It depends on how much I was getting paid.
Linda Joy
How much would you need to get paid to gain 50 lbs? -
Archie Bunker
Not much. -
Linda Joy
Must be easy for you to loose weight! -
Archie Bunker
No really, but if the money is right, I'll give it a shot.
Why not just wear prosthetic muscles or fat or whatever? I feel like that would be easier and since you are doing stunts, few people would notice anyway.
Archie Bunker
I always like watching old John Wayne movies. One, his movies are awesome to being with, but in the fight scenes, it's always obvious that his stunt double is the one taking a punch to the face and falling over tables. -
Linda Joy
The question didn't ask what's easier. Would you do it? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Like I said, no, there are other ways than to gain 50 pounds. -
Linda Joy
You didn't say no until now. Thank you.
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