Where'd you get that idea?
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I just try to think creatively.
My favorite idea was not thought by me. When I learned how an electric motor worked I was amazed! Of course it has made possible many inventions! But just the way they used alternating current and magnets amazed me! Actually it still does to some extent! I also like being creative though I'm limited financially, and by my lack of talent. I manage to keep myself entertained. Lately I've been focused on the breast cancer awareness ribbons. I learned how to crochet a few patterns. I'm much better at learning from watching a video than how they used to use abbreviations for the stitches and reading it from a book was difficult for me. Experience helps as well, of course. I think I have less natural talented at art and music. I have generous experience when it comes to cooking and serving. And I do enjoy feeding people and sharing what I have, though its often humble. I'm not talented at sports nor interested in playing them, but I do like to enjoy watching them sometimes. Particularly American football and Slam ball. I don't currently watch them. I enjoy dancing, though I haven't been educated or practiced in the art. I know you create music, and you cook. What else?
Idea that works. Plus one I isn't too expensive for me implement.
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