Psalm 102:25-26 "Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed."
Linda Joy
**changed, not destroyed. It will be cleansed by fire. Do you think global warming will destroy the earth? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Did you miss the word "perish?" If the surface of the planet is destroyed by fire, and something more than 99.9999% of life ceases in the process, then I think arguing over the use of the word "destroy" in the context of comparing it with even the most radical predictions portrayed in the media of global warming is a really fine pedantic atom to try to split. Plus, I don't think anyone is saying that global warming will destroy the planet Earth in any way beyond what is covered by the language used in the Bible verse I cited. -
Linda Joy
No. We, too will perish, but live forever. A plant dies, but the seed will grow anew. And no one said the world would burn all at once. Way to not answer the question! I expected no less! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"And no one said the world would burn all at once." I'm not clear what your point is. "Way to not answer the question!" Because you asked an argumentative question.
Psalm 37:29 says that the righteous will possess the earth forever. The earth will be in existence forever, it is written.
Global warming was invented by Al Gore. Along with the internet.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It's long been a standard ridicule of Gore, but he actually did, literally, create the internet. He was the author of the High Performance Computing Act of 1991, which funded the fiber optic cables that connected all of the smaller networks from government agencies and universities into one big network, and it also funded the creation of "Mosaic," the first internet browser. So, if he did not create the internet, then Eisenhower did not create the Interstates, by the same scrutiny. According to the President, though, global warming was invented by the Chinese to destroy the US economy, although Trump also met with Gore in order to discuss global warming, so who knows what Trump actually is thinking? -
Archie Bunker
The Internet was "invented" by the DoD. And Eisenhower never said he invented the interstate. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"The Internet was "invented" by the DoD." Not accurate. ARPA-net was created by the DoD. The Gore Bill expanded ARPA-net into a worldwide web, vis-a-vis the internet. "And Eisenhower never said he invented the interstate." He took credit for it, just as Gore never said "I invented the internet," but did take credit for it (source: "Mandate for Change 1953-1956" - Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1963). It's absolutely no different. Say what you will about Al Gore, but knocking him over his one great achievement is just absurd. Why not go for more productive criticisms, like how he has no personality, or makes millions in profit off of his "environmentalism" while defending his financial interests from the EPA? But, who cares about criticism of another person unless it's packaged into 5 second soundbites, right? -
Archie Bunker
Eisenhower didn't take credit for it. The Interstate highway system was proposed way back in 1916 and FDR helped push the idea along also. Eisenhower was a huge fan of it after being in Germany. But, he didn't take credit for it even though it's named after him. And you're right about Gore, he has no personality. But, passing a bill to give more money to something doesn't mean he invented it. "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." - Al Gore, March 9, 1999 -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
He actually did so in his memoir, as I pointed out already. Have you read it? And taking "the initiative in creating" something is not inventing something, but it is taking credit for the creation of something, which Gore did. He didn't "pass" the bill, he wrote the bill. And, like it or not, there would have been no worldwide web, had it not been for that bill, at least not until much later. -
Archie Bunker
No, I haven't read it, but I'd be interested to see that he took credit for it. And, there would have been no worldwide web had it not been for a lot of things. Mainly the dudes who actually invented it.
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