A wild mouse.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Want another one? -
Rick Myres
Not really because that cage started stinking big time. lol -
Linda Joy
You're supposed to clean it every once in a while. -
Rick Myres
The mouse chewed through the wire cage and escaped. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Umm, you sure it was a mouse? LOL -
Rick Myres
Yep it was. They are like rats strong sharp teeth. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
When I was a little kid, I captured all kinds of things and kept them for a week or two - snakes, frogs, spiders, etc. Never a mouse, though. My wife had pet rats before we got married. They were actually very smart and kind. They don't live very long, though.
My second husband? Crazier than me, and that's not easy! Or maybe the capsule pet: They don't 'hatch' until the 2 minute mark! I also had a snake in a terrarium for a short time but I released it. Oh yeah! I just remembered the crow my stepfather brought to me injured (I think he shot it) I nursed back to health, took to biology for extra credit and released once it was well enough. They will let you know when they want out!!
Rick Myres
You're just like me I love them critters. -
Linda Joy
O.k Ellie May! Crows are bit greasy for my taste and those capsule pets are not at all flavorful or filling! Maybe they just need a little salt? -
Rick Myres
Oh? I was not talking about eating em. Lol -
Linda Joy
Boa constrictors.
A pet rock. It was very violent, and attacked a lot of people, before I had to put it down.
Linda Joy
ROFL!! -
Cry me a River
Hermit crabs.. I felt them etching in my back, spiritually speaking.. it was love :)
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