You can vote all day every day! Christ or the devil..
You'll have to be a little more specific as to what part of your 'fate' in particular you're trying to effect change. You can always change districts by moving. If you're doing homework read the assignment. I'm sure you'll find the specific answer they want written in the text. But most things you can change and choose as you wish in the US. Unless there's some law against it and if there is perhaps you should examine why. See without specifics I can't give a better answer.
Run for office instead of voting for politicians you don't like.
Linda Joy's new account 2024
Excellent answer!
Do what's good for your soul. 😇
Lots of good answers here. I also thought of a few more. You could volunteer at your local homeless shelter or elementary School to mentor children that need help after school. You could even go a step further and open a business to help support the education and empowerment of children so that they will become more effective adults. I think that'll work better than voting for any politician. I usually mentor a few children in my neighborhood from time to time just encouraging them to follow their dreams, help them find their talents and pursue them. And of course help them study their spelling words if they need it...
Not vote, the less people vote the more exposed the fixed system is, our elections in the UK proved that this year if people are still deluding themselves that voting counts, they tried to convince us that Conservative voters, suddenly swapped to Labour! Starmer, had less votes than corban, yet he got in. only 60% of the population voted.
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