This would depend on where you live, how old you are, what your entrance exam grades are, if you have any special skills or talents that are recruited, how much money you and/or your parents make, what you want to learn, etc, etc. I advise you to go to your nearest college and ask to speak to an adviser. They can help you with the FAFSA and any other applications for grants or scholarships.
I am a 54 year old female and would like to finish what I started but since I am SSI and practically used up all of my financial aid I just don't know what to do.
by getting scholarships and grants
Community college with government grants.
You have to be an illegal immigrant to go to school for free. Well, free to you anyone. Nothing is free. Someone will end up paying.
20 states either now have or will soon have free tuition programs, subject to certain conditions. New York's program is one of the least restrictive. New York City's colleges had once been tuition-free for nearly 130 years.
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