Thanks for your answer.
I made a peanut butter chicken one time that was truly awesome.
Cry me a River
I will never make it again..but woo hoo it was good!! -
Cry me a River
But no, it was not my idea, it is African, I think., though it had my own special style I am sure :) -
I like peanuts better in savory food better than sweet...Thanks, Green dolphin.
Not really. In the restaurants they pretty much want you to stick to the recipe. I can cook almost anything but I'm no chef. At my son's family gatherings Michelle requested my salad because I cut things into chunks instead of putting it through a food processor and my son likes my potato salad and mac and cheese best, but what kid doesn't, right? I've done a lot of experimenting at home, mostly just for me, but nothing remarkable. What about you? I know you cook. And I know you've experimented with vegetarianism. But have cooked meat as well.
Yes, I've created several dishes, but I never wrote down the recipes...I have experimented with vegetarianism and feel better when I do, but I always feel hungry....Thanks, Linda.
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