Yes, of course, those late night shows were always about entertainment. The old talking head shows were for "serious" discussion before everything was turned into "reality" which is anything but real.
Archie Bunker
Johnny Carson wasn't a serious guy. He wasn't a one-sided comedian. He made fun of everyone. So did Jay.
Isn't he the one in a position to change that? I agree with mushroom. Those shows and the daytime talk shows as well are no longer entertaining. But then I haven't watched tv since about 2012.
I wouldn't know. I've always hated Leno and never watched a late night show he hosted.
Hai means Yes in Japanese.
Yes, he is quite correct. Late night shows now are propaganda mills for stupid left wing jerks. I refuse to listen to such crap.
Archie Bunker
Agreed. And they used to be funny. SNL used to be funny. Now they're just all about trashing Trump.
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