No, suppositories will.
Cry me a River
In my eyes? -
Archie Bunker
I was being facetious. You'll want to take throat meds for your throat. Not eye meds. -
Cry me a River
I know, and I appreciate that, really.. have a nice day! -
Archie Bunker
Try hot tea. But not in your eyes.
Cry me a River
Thanks, hot peppermint tea coming up! Or should I say down?
Suppositories will only help if they contain a pain reliever. Tea does help. Actually any steam will help. A pain reliever will help. Cloves help with throat and toothache pain, but if you're going to the store anyway get the chloraceptic or cepacol spray. Gargling with salt water helps in many ways as well. I pray you feel better soon. Oh yeah stay hydrated!! And keep track of your temp. Strep will usually cause a fever. Then you will want to ask the question what are the natural antibiotics?
Archie Bunker
You'll usually want to take something for a sore throat. Not eye drops. -
Cry me a River
Keeping my eyes moist anywhoo,, it just makes sense 👀 -
Cry me a River
So really Linda.. suppositories? -
Linda Joy
I didn't suggest the suppositories, Archie did. I said they'd only help if they contain a pain reliever. And you're welcome that I honestly tried to answer your question and suggest solutions and even offered to pray for you.
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