The children would have the very best teachers and they would be paid much more than they are now. Bad teachers would be out for sure.
It mostly is run by corporations. Only the teaching element is not. We don't want kids learning adverts, we want them learning facts and figures -something Trump doesn't understand either of. .
Archie Bunker
It's the left that's more concerned about making sure the kids feel good about themselves than actually learning how to make it in the real world. Participation trophies for all! -
Linda Joy
The left wants to keep people ignorant. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The *people in power* want to keep people uneducated. It's not just the left and it's not just the right. They just have different strategies for how to pull it off.
If you've ever closely observed a private school, you might see how certain issues are swept under the rug.
Linda Joy
Its been just the opposite in my experience.
Whether Public or private, would depend on how influenced each system's world view. There is a place for both. My first 4 years were in Catholic school. The academic standards I found out, were much higher and their goals included religious education. If a school is operated by a corporation, it would depend on what that corporations declared mission. If its primary objective is to make a profit while training compliant future employees, then it would be and is much worse. Well informed, well educated independent thinking students would build the strongest community fabric. Corporate entities have proven over and over that conforming consumers is in their best interest. Conclusion: If you get big money out of electoral politics, and our representatives are beholden to the public interest first and foremost, then public education would gain in excellence. Profit motive should not be a factor in education,as corporate run schools would cost the taxpayer more given that profit motive.
have no idea
Both have hidden agendas..Home schooling with a tax break is the best.
You may like the idea of saving on taxes, but free public education is guaranteed, and if you opt out without paying in, you shift a financial burden on everyone else. Empty-nesters seemingly have nothing to gain from paying for schools, but still gain from real estate value. -
Linda Joy
Why should someone who is not sending their kids to public school have to pay for it? And that "free education" is obviously NOT FREE!! The only thing they are learning in high school is how to be a thug anyway. Why should anyone pay for it? Freaking socialist bull crap anyway! Force everyone else to work to pay for what you want to get for free! That's slavery! Pay for it yourself and stop robbing the taxpayer! -
To Linda Joy's comment. A healthy, well educated society benefits everyone. Having a base line for education and healthcare increases the chances of those born into modest means or poverty, have a chance to lift themselves up and be a contributing factor in a thriving community. Also some of the most core teachings of Christianity remind over and over to help those in need. Most corporations could care less about the less fortunate. At least true representative government, we would colectively have a say in what helps us collectively and what harms us collectively whether in education, healthcare, conservation of natural resources etc. -
Linda Joy
A healthy, well educated society is not being produced. Government never runs anything as well as the private sector. What they need to get out of poverty is a good work ethic and apprenticeship programs. And corporations are starting to realize they need educated people to work in their corporations. They will either pitch in on the education or struggle to find educated employees. And its the Christians and Churches and neighbors and friends and family that should help the needy. The government is not responsible for funding its citizens from the cradle to the grave. Nor should it be. Such nonsense will bankrupt a government. Its been proven time and ti;me again. Taxpayers should not have to pay wages to someone who won't work.
Competition brings out the best. When you're the government, you don't have to worry about improving quality or staying within a budget.
Linda Joy
Fortunately there are more options available today than when I was in school. -
Archie Bunker
There are. But also what you have now is groups like the NEA coming out against even charter schools because they know that their jobs would be in jeopardy if anyone could do anything about the shitty teachers.
IDK but I do know I hate the wayBetsy DeVoss is all for supporting private schools to the detriment of public schools. Hmmm most public schools are noted for minorities , ie people of color being in the majority.
I remember the day I went to school and found the Ten Commandments taken off the wall and saw just the nail there,, and going into the classroom to find a tripod with pictures of ape becoming man... something changed that day.. America has never been great since.
Cry me a River
So I basically grew up in a SAD America.
it nnight be better
The typical corporation attempts to maximize profits and minimize costs. So: I would expect (A) students who perform poorly being ousted from the system at an early age. (B) students who perform well allowed to remain in the school system only for so long as they do perform well (C) And as is the case in many nations, only the top-performing students graduate and enter "higher learning" (D) In any case, only the most economical of schooling included. I.e. no programs deemed non-essential would be included. Things like history and music would be absent, while reading, writing, professional-type sports and sciences would be emphasized and perhaps even accelerated. (E) Teachers would have a similar experience. Teachers who performed badly would be ousted, but also teachers who were too well-paid, while teachers who performed well would be retained only until their pay exceeded the pay of someone else who could do the same job just as well. It would be a sort of "Logan's Run" situation for most teachers, except for those content being paid a low salary.
Linda Joy
Good points.
We have schools in the UK which are now private owned, they call them "academies," as if the name change somehow improves the school. They do not have very good reviews, and if they go under, they just change their name. At least with state run schools the parents have a say, they don't have that privilege in a private funded school.
Schools including all levels, public or private, are all controlled by a corporation named "the Rothschilds" who in turn control all the governments of the world. Either way the common people lose in the long run of things.
"Junior, did you have a good day today?" "Yes dad" "What did you learn in school?" "Well, dad, we learned about how important family is, because of all of the care that your family can provide for you, even if you had all of the money in the world, because there are some things money can't buy..." "Aww, son, that's very nice and thoughtful" "...and for everything else, there's MasterCard."
In a nutshell: do anything and everything possible to improve the bottom line. *** Cut out all programs that do not add to the company's bottom line. Stricter control of how school buildings are used. Teachers held to higher standards. Problem students and learning disabled students kicked out. Consolidate students as much as possible (again, when it improves the bottom line.) In other words: close down small schools and bus children to large schools. Increase class sizes. Increase self-learning. (For example: online workbooks that the student reads and then answers questions, without teacher-student interaction.) Promote self-learning at home. (Fewer students in a school building means less overhead, plus fewer teachers.) Etc. *** The problem with such a scenario should be obvious. The primary goal of the corporation is going to be financial rather than well-educated students. Only insofar as well-educated students add to the bottom line will the corporation work to accomplish that secondary goal.
This was tried back in the 1960s. All the schools in a school district in the NE of the USA. It worked for awhile but in the long run it failed and was abandoned.
I live in an area that has no public school past 8th grade, and our schools are some of the best in the nation. There are still a lot of problems, though, so the system is not perfect, but is sure is an improvement.
As usual, there's a Simpson episode about that: "Grift of the Magi", Season 11, Episode 9.
The goverments were brought by big corparations long ago that is where all this woke shit came from. The idea is to dumb down children so they grow up stupid and are easyier to control. Look at what has happened in the last 25 years.
This has been going on for many years now. It is difficult if not impossible to control the lives of educated people.
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