No democrats voted for the Civil Rights act, so what do you think... And when they come back with the "Big Switch," we can explain that lie also.
OC Joe
This is true but when the civil rights act passed (along with the voting rights act) every southern state was Democrat and switched parties to become Republican. That was in about 1964 at which time the Democrats and Republicans did a huge reversal in their sentiment toward black Americans. Republicans are considered right wing and the KKK is, by definition, a right wing extremest group. -
Linda Joy
The civil rights act and voting rights act would never have been necessary if the democrats hadn't blocked the blacks from having these rights that were already guaranteed them in The Constitution! Strom Thurmond is a 'huge reversal'? No, the reversal came when FDR wanted to push through the new deal and Blacks voted for him hoping to get in on it but the Democrats said they'd only get behind it if Blacks didn't benefit from it so they made sure domestics and farmers were exempt so FDR could get his new deal and democrats could be racist and they tricked the Blacks into voting democrat. Then acted like they were giving them a gift when they proposed the civil rights act. -
Archie Bunker
-OC - c'mon hoss. We all know the "Big Switch" is total bupkiss. Even Bill Clinton said of Robert Bryd, "You had to be in the Klan to advance in the Democratic Party." The Dixiecrats stayed democrats, even after they dealt with FDR to block anti-lynching laws to trade up for his New Deal push.
have no idea
Archie Bunker
why answer? -
Pearl Lederman
please stop putting nne down when i answer, i dont need that -
Archie Bunker
I asked a question. -
Linda Joy
Please don't think I'm 'putting you down' when I tell you the reason I go to the trouble to include links is so you can go read about the issue so you can educate yourself so you will know so you can have an idea. But feel free to answer any way you like. I just think you're missing an opportunity to learn when you choose not to click the link and read so you can add to our discussion. -
Archie Bunker
I'm just curious why she chooses to answer alot of questions with "I don't know" or "I've never heard of him." Then why bother answering? -
Archie Bunker
-Linda - while I believe the Wikipedia gives a nice generalized "gob" of information, when looking at many political issues, it's very clearly slanted to the left and should be taken with a grain of salt. -
Linda Joy
I don't swear by wiki. I know its user edited, but I've seen so called news sites that are far more left leaning! If you don't like any of my links you're free to post your own. I think generally speaking the more the better.
The KKK has nothing to do with political affiliation, kid. Just as Jews who helped the Nazi's did not do so out of racial or religious affiliation.
Linda Joy
I'm not a kid. I didn't say it was a political affiliation, even though it was started by democrats. Your narrative has absolutely no correlation, and you didn't answer my question. But I already know why. You didn't want to admit it. -
Molden Molt
I agree jshm22. I hardly doubt anyone gave a flying flip whether the KKK were democrat or republican when they were lynching black people and terrorizing other human beings. In fact, it doesn't matter now, either. A klan is a klan is a klan, and it matters not one bit what political label gets slapped on them. For someone to continue trivializing that group's terroristic presence by comparing how many were or are in this party or that tells me that the individual only cares about comparing one party's moral compass to another and they use race relations as their launch pad for that. The answer is that it doesn't matter. Racism and racists need no political, religious, or geographical affiliation to define what they are. -
Archie Bunker
Lynn, both parties try to use their moral compass as launch pads. Unfortunately, only one uses race to push their agenda, which is sad. -
Linda Joy
@Lynn Carver - You don't know me or my reasons for wanting to educate democrats on the rats running their ship! Most democrats I know personally THINK democrats want to help the poor. I used to think that myself but they don't. They have ALWAYS had an agenda to keep the neck of the poor under their foot only giving them enough to get them to vote for them and keep them dependent. And any democrat who doesn't wake up and smell the coffee can only blame themselves for being poor and opressed BY THE DEMOCRATS! And THE DEMOCRATS are the ones throwing around the race card and convincing people they are poor and opressed! Anyone with eyes can see all races have the opportunity and ability to make something of themselves if they apply themselves and take advantage of the opportunities this great country affords them! I'm not trivializing the horrible injustices THE DEMOCRATS perpetrated on the poor and the non-whites. I'm just educating THE DEMOCRATS. And its sad you have to criticize me for telling the truth because you have no valid argument or explanation for what THE DEMOCRATS DID!! OR HOW THEY ARE STILL PULLING THE SAME CRAP TODAY. And there are more than two parties and I'm not a democrat or a republican or racist. I believe everyone has a chance in the USA and I believe in PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY for one's choices and educating themselves on their own political party! -
Linda Joy
The KKK was a horrible thing! But why do DEMOCRATS want to hide the fact THEY STARTED IT! BOTH TIMES!! And the only reason you're casting shade on me is because YOU DON'T WANT TO ADMIT IT!
Back in the 1800's and early 1900's the KKK had both Rep. and Demos. in their ranks and very prevalent in some cities and not just in the south.
Linda Joy
But was started by the dems and had far more dems than reps. Besides the fact dems were the ones who blocked the rights blacks already had in The Constitution, then acted like it was some sort of gift by the dems when they finally quit blocking them in the civil rights era. -
Archie Bunker
"I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years." - Lyndon Johnson. That's what he said about pushing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was filibustered by....Robert Byrd. (yep, the same one praised by the Clintons). But Thinker, I think you're correct, both republicans and democrats were Klansmen, although I also agree with Linda that the vast majority of them were democrats. -
As Yogi Berra famously put it: "I really didn't say everything I said." The source of that LBJ quote is from a former WAPO reporter's 1993 White House insider book. Not that Johnson's language was ever "delicate" but 3 decades afterwards, there was not much to back up the exact phrase.
Over all time or what? The KKK was started in 1865 by former Confederate officers in Tennessee. Obviously, since the majority of the Confederacy was non-partisan, but firmly opposed to Lincoln, who was a republican, in the aftermath of the Civil War, many former Confederates embraced the Democratic party as the party of anti-Lincoln. The party quickly became saturated with white supremacists. But, the KKK was disbanded around 1871. During the 1865-1871 period, almost all of the KKK's membership was either democratic or non-partisan. When the KKK was revitalized around WWI in Georgia, it was largely non-partisan, but it certainly contained a membership of democrats, republicans, and third-parties, as well as independents. In the 1920's, prohibition was the political issue du jour, and the Democrats were more on board with it than the Republicans were (although the issue itself was non-partisan), and the Democratic party also embraced racial segregation; both of those appealed to the KKK, so a lot of KKK membership was registered with the Democratic party at the time. But, in 1924, the Democratic party formally denounced the KKK, and most Democrat KKK people switched their political party at that time as a direct result. The present-day KKK is the third incarnation, revitalized in the 1950's by white supremacists who are less concerned about prohibition of alcohol as they are with insurgency against civil rights. This current platform is in juxtaposition with both the Democratic and Republican parties' positions.
Archie Bunker - The Klan was big in Democratic politics. Now it's all denied and blamed on Republicans and the debunked lie of the Big Switch. -
Linda Joy
This violates logic. You think this is not like "Do you think more fat people or thin people were members of KKK" Notice too that you make the classic logic mistake of Ignoring a common cause. ...Since so few percentage-wise are KKK from either party there is Ignoring a Common Cause A fallacy is an argument or belief based on erroneous reasoning. Ignoring a common cause is one type of fallacy. This fallacy happens when someone believes that one thing caused another, without considering another factor that could have caused both things. For example, you think that event 1 caused event 2 to happen. However, they both were actually caused by event 3.
Linda Joy
No it doesn't. The fact is the Democrats started the KKK BOTH TIMES! And they're still trying to keep the poor down while giving them just enough to survive just to buy votes because its easier than working. And they'll continue doing it until the libs quit voting for them! But hey, you're entitled to your beliefs! Tell yourself what you need to to ease your own conscience. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
There is no plank in either the current GOP nor the current Democratic platform that is explicitly racist. I'm with LogicHead on this one, to say that the KKK is founded on racist principles and driven by racism itself. You could choose any trait and use the same logical fallacy. Did you know that the Nazi Party was started by a locksmith? Does that mean that locksmiths are racist? Does that mean that thieves, who are the opposite of locksmiths, are not racist? No, that's a false association, right? So Democrats and Republicans can both be racist or not racist, depending on, well, every factor other than political party.
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