No, but voting no for Kavanaugh for me means that if the "No's" win, at least he can't overturn Roe vs Wade.
Linda Joy
So this is not actually about what he's been accused of, but rather that the murder of innocent children not be stopped? I see. -
Ok... -
I think you're a very intelligent person, from what I have read on here, and I believe you know that we can both debate, but it will not change the other's minds. I had an A$$full of reading stupid debates at AOR, and I am not here for that, so we can agree to disagree and remain respectful. -
Linda Joy
Thank you. I doubt either of us will change our minds, but I think others might be informed through the process. Since you don't like debate perhaps you should steer clear of questions that beg for it. I respect you. I just cannot under any circumstances advocate for the murder of innocent children. And honestly I don't have much respect for a person who would use abortion instead of birth control in this day and age. But by all means I respect your right not to debate so don't feel compelled to reply. -
Oh, I don't mind answering the questions, but if the person specifies they are looking for a debate, then yes, I will keep scrolling. I understand you don't respect me and the Pro Choicers , and that is fine. It works both ways, however I will respect you here, because there is no reason not to be civil, and no reason to tell people what questions they should or should not reply to. We are adults here. -
Linda Joy
I didn't tell you which questions to answer. And if you didn't want to debate you wouldn't. Your actions belie your words. -
You are right, You did say you respect me, and then said you don't respect anyone who uses abortion over birth control, which I clearly misread, so my apologies. People who are Pro Choice don't advocate abortion over birth control, I hope you realize that, because that was a random statement with no merit what so ever. However again, my apologies for implying you lack respect. -
To reply to your newly edited response, yes, perhaps my actions do belie my words in this case. Oh well. -
Linda Joy
I edited as you did. It was not a random statement but a qualifier. There are people I love who've had abortions. But tell me if these pro choice (for the mother but not the father or child) are getting abortions why is that? Are you suggesting they used birth control or that none was available? -
These people whom you love who have had abortions - if you have not already, why not ask them why they got an abortion instead? I had one many years ago when I was in my late teens. I did not use it as a form of BC, nor do I know any one who has. That is not to say that no one has ever in the history of abortions done such a stupid thing as to use it as a form of BC, however, even back then abortions were too expensive to use as a form of BC, not to mention extremely mentally and physically painful. So if there are people who have, I think they are nuts. But that is not my business, and I still don't believe that the right should be taken away from women. Ever. -
Linda Joy
You're here. You did it. Why don't you answer? What form of birth control were you on that failed? -
Linda Joy
Abortions are still physically, mentally and emotionally painful. -
That is interesting that you won't say why you haven't asked these people whom you love who have had abortions. Interesting indeed... Yes, I am here, but they are there... seems odd. -
Linda Joy
Not nearly as interesting as you not answering. And no, its not odd at all. What's odd is you suggesting I ask someone else. And the people I referred to are not here. Why would you assume they were or that I should be able to contact them at a moments notice. And I never said I haven't asked them. They can't tell me YOUR answer! Yes, I find it quite odd indeed that you would introduce the topic of abortion state you are in favor then argue its not for birth control when that is the only thing it does by the worst means we have and you, the very one defending it won't give your personal account of what you used it for. Or even explain how in your opinion its not used for birth control! No not really odd its just you can't!! That's why you slithered into avoidance and deflection. -
Because it is MY business and MY choice to decide what I share in this forum and what I choose not to share of myself. And, because of your hostility, I choose not to share that at this time. If you are so close to all of the Pro Choicers that you love them so much, pick up a phone, email, etc, and ask THEM. I was a teen at the time, and I am glad that I had that choice, and that is all you need to know, and the rest is none of your business. -
Linda Joy
Maybe this will be easier to answer: What purpose does abortion serve other than birth control? -
Ask them.that same question. My choices and reasons ("purpose", as you call it) at the time I was a teen were and are my biz. -
Done with this. Deleted my response. Have a great evening, Linda. :) -
Linda Joy
I never asked you why you got an abortion. I'm asking you to defend your stance. But you can't so its no big deal this wasn't even about the question I asked. Abortion is your "baby" My question had nothing to do with abortion. -
I won't is more like it. As I said before, one side is not going to change the other, and I have had enough with debating on AOR. I should not have engaged here on this thread as much as I did. It's all good though. Have a good one... -
Linda Joy
I also never advocated taking away this "right" to murder, even though I don't believe children who have never done anything wrong deserve to be murdered. g'nite -
ok -
As a new member I did not realize that the right wing thinking was so dominant here. A real disappointment for me:( I may just stay on Quora after this. -
Aw Cin. I understand though. I think I am put off by people who claim to like to debate, but their pattern on here from what I have witnessed is not debating at all, it's arguing and harping. There IS clearly a difference between arguing, harping and debating. But, there is always that one... -
Actually lav, this content is someone bullying you! That is NOT okay in any forum! And I am not sure its worth anyone's time to interact with a right wing Bully! Where are the Mods? Near worse than AOR here! -
I agree, Cin. She's a real prize.
That may or may not be relevant to an individual on a personal level. If there is sufficient reason to believe he committed sexual assault and was frequently drunk and beligerant then I definitely do NOT want him sitting on the Supreme Court. When he became combative and belligerent while being cross examined and was asked if he ever blacked out from alcohol and he lashed with, "Have you, have you, have you" rather than answer the question, his temperament was outrageous and completely inappropriate for any judge. That matters.
Linda Joy
Maybe he should have asked did you when you were in high school? This is going back over 30 years! And I'd be yelling, too if I were attacked the way he has been! And what about the fact that NO ONE has been able to corroborate this story? And what about these same actions when its a democrat being accused? Why is it only an issue when its a republican? They don't care about truth and justice! -
Archie Bunker
There is no sufficient reason to think he committed sexual assault and I don't care if he drank beer in high school and college. I don't care if he drinks beer now. As far as his temperment, I'm surprised that he was in as much control as he was. I would have beaten the shit out of those that accused me of gang rape. The democrats have brought even more disgrace to Congress. -
Linda Joy
The democrats are hurting themselves. I was never partisan before this crap!
Standing up for sexual assault victims is just a side benefit of voting no on Kavanaugh! Voting no is only about his character and the raging angry way he presented himself at the hearing. His demeaner alone shows he is not fit to be a judge on the highest court in the land! Most of all his lying under Oath that he never blacked out when drinking or was a sloppy drunk! There are several people who have come out who were classmates of his in school that can attest to the fact he was a sloppy drunk who blacked out, vomited etc. His own friend Mark Judge wrote a memoir of their school days and how drunk they got together! Calling Brett "Bart O'Kavanaugh". Also I belleve Dr Ford that in 1982 he assaulted her. Being a victim of sexual assault I KNOW you NEVER EVER FORGET who assaulted you!!
Linda Joy
I'm sorry that happened to you. Ford is lying under oath. She had how many years to come forward? IF this was a predator why didn't she prevent what must have been many women from being abused by this man over the years? No, she didn't care about them. This is just political. Why is it the people she said were there are not corroborating her story? I'm no victim! I'm a survivor of many instances of sexual abuse and I assure you none of them were political!! I don't know many high school kids who are experienced enough to control their drinking. And what about the fact that Ford was even there? Was she not breaking the law with her own underage drinking? This is political pure and simple. Tell me one thing! What have you done to protest what Clinton did? Should all their photos be removed and destroyed like the statues that no longer signify what we believe in today? Oh and the Kenedys' too! -
Archie Bunker
There is no evidence to support her story, Cinders. The people SHE named as witness refute her story. So I'm gonna have to say bullshit. And please don't go with the "If you don't believe her, you don't support victims." All the facts right now do no support the claim that she is a victim at all. -
I AND MANY OTHERS BELIEVE HER!!! Not her attacker! -
Absolutely, Cin. -
And quite frankly, it is getting stupid how, when people mention Kavanaugh, Trump and their allegations, that the supporters have to throw in, "Well, what about Clinton?", "Well, what about Obama?" It sounds like two children who misbehaved, but only one got caught, so that one child cries, "Well, what about him/her?" Stick to the subject, and stop with the "What about...?" crap. That's not debating, as you mentioned previously Joy. That is arguing. Pick one. -
Their heads are stuck in the past and all their right wing conspiracy theories! They are so stuck in the conservative BS that they will support anything their orange haired misogynist hero wants them to! -
They're as disturbed as he is. No wonder they support Kavanaugh - their own ring leader has been a crotch-grabber. Kavanaugh just took it a few steps further. -
Men who sexually assault women think they are members of the "good ole boy club" and high five other men for raping/ assaulting women. Especially if they themselves have gotten away with it for years! -
Sandra Ursula
I hate to tell you liberals that innocent until proven guilty is the American way of justice. You have him guilty and can't be proved innocent. The evidenced indicates Ford lied and is making tons of money from it. -
Linda Joy
"They're as disturbed as he is. " Is this what you call debate? I call it name calling and bullying. Your two identities are talking to each other and you have the nerve to call someone else disturbed? You're doing exactly what you accuse others of doing. It has been proved this woman lied about being afraid of flying of being afraid of only having one exit that she had ptsd all disproved by an ex bf, her own friends, and her own behavior. YOU TWO are the ones sticking your head in the sand and denying it because it doesn't fit your agenda! And you call foul when anyone brings up a valid point for which you have no valid response. And the only one in this list who "got caught" was Clinton. And if either of you had a valid complaint about female sexual abuse you would detest the behavior of the man who was PROVEN to be a sexual abuser and in no way would you brush it off as acceptable!! Hypocritical behavior once again! You both disgust me because you say one thing and do another by your acceptance of a sexual abuser!!
i dont know nnuch about hinn
Not at all. The Kavanaugh hearing was an embarrassment. If the democrats really were going with the "she should be believed," apparently just due to the fact that she's a woman (which is insulting), then why are they not doing the same for Corey Booker? Why did they destroy the 12 women who accused Bill Clinton of not only sexual assault, but rape? Why did they circle the wagons around Ted Kennedy, who actually killed the girl he was having an affair with?
Linda Joy
Well said. -
Why wasn't Gorsuch questioned in the same manner, if this is all just politics as usual? The Democrats would certainly have had as much to be bitter about the refusal to even hold a hearing for Garland for no reason other than partisan politics. -
Archie Bunker
Gorsuch wasn't accused of sexually assaulting anyone. Or throwing ice in a bar. Or gang rape. Get with the program, 'shroom. Ford's story is falling apart, if it even had any credibility to begin with. -
Typical response lol. The Kavanaugh hearing was a tptal embarrasment to the right wing koolaid drinking Trumpeteers! They don't like their inappropriate pick to have all his horrifying behaviour coming out from his past! His uncontrolled anger and rage alone proved he is not competent to be a judge of the highest court in the country! This is about the "current" allegation, nothing in the past about any person, in either party has any bearing on this investigation, So just deal with it! -
I believe Dr. Ford was attacked by an arrogant frat boy thirty six years ago while people laughed raucously because it happened again yesterday. -
Amen!! Despicable behavior for an American President!! -
Archie Bunker
"all this horrifying behavior?" Really? All unsubstantiated allegations. And we have to take her word for it, why? Just because she's a woman? Even her dear, lifelong friend says it didn't happen, yet we're all supposed to ignore that and believe her? Not happening. And his "uncontrolled anger and rage?" That's the snowflake answer. Of course he's pissed, as any of us would be when accused of something he didn't do and to listen to the bullshit that's coming from the democrats, who said from the very beginning that they would not vote for him, BEFORE any of this even came about. BEFORE they had a chance to see his record. BEFORE they had a chance to meet with him. You people are so blinded by your hate for Trump that you miss everything else. Sad really. -
Archie Bunker
I think it's kind of comical that after days of listening to the democrats whine about how the FBI needed more time to investigate instead of the week they were given (along with the prior SIX background checks they've already done on this guy) that they FBI has finished already and said what? "Yeah. There's nothing here." Now they'll try to come up with another reason on why it's not fair that they'll have a vote on him. -
Well, one good thing is the American Bar Association is the only bar Brett Kavanaugh won't want to hang around now. It's a small thing, but perhaps he would qualify a s Trump's service animal. -
Archie Bunker
Being that the ABA is biased left-of-center, I wouldn't want to hang at that bar either. -
Sandra Ursula
Good answer, and your critics have no convincing arguments against you. They just sound like typical liberals who mindlessly repeat any lies the liberal media tells. They ignore the innocent until proven guilty principle vital to US justice and have him guilty with no way to be proven innocent. That's anti-American. -
Linda Joy
I'm thankful the right thing was finally done! And I also believe this democratic rhetoric will come back to haunt them in the coming elections. I know a lot of people who have lost their allegiance because of these lies! -
Archie Bunker
We can only hope, Linda.
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