Sure there is. John Brennan, former CIA Chief under Obama, even voted for their presidential candidate.
probably, not sure where
Yes there is and because I am an American that supports the Constitution I support their right to speak out in support of their political opinions - however irrational they may be. Note: One groups right to free speech does not override another groups right to free speech.
Archie Bunker
"One groups right to free speech does not override another groups right to free speech." - Many on the left don't believe that. Instead, you should shut your Nazi pie-hole and keep drinking the liberal Kool-Aid.
Yes there is. Ilian Omar and AOC are in charge of it and they let Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer think hey are running the show.
there could be but ive never heard of one here
Communism motto: Let me pull up your face so I can sit down.
Cry me a River
Made that one up myself :-)
Yeah, they call themselves Democrats. :P
There is a US Communist party. How much it does IDK
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