He's not consistent enough to be measured in this way. he's a player and depending on what hand he's dealt will determine his position. If there were a "Reality TV Party" he be front and center.[tongue in cheek]
"Where would you place Trump" -- on a pile of steaming manure, where he belongs. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
LOL, ty
i think hes a good president
He is the NON politician that this country has so desperately needed.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were non-politicians too. They were revolutionaries I don't want anybody who wants to nuke a hurricane, purchase Greenland or inject bleach into my body. lol -
Army Veteran
No, you'd rather have someone who surrenders to the Taliban and imports COVID-infested illegals. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Its not illegals who are the problem, Its the Rechecks who refused to get vaxed who are the greater population - about 140 Million of them. -
Army Veteran
You know that isn't true. -
Army Veteran
The "inject bleach" statement was rhetorical. But the Left can't resist using it to showcase their stupidity. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
So if its untrue why did Trump tell people to inject hydroxychoroquine when the FDA said it was ineffective against Covid. lol.This is from that Reuters, that 'communist' rag, lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You are living in Trump-world, 1465. Its time to wake up. We have a new president now and he's pretty good. He believes in science and logic. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Trump's administration were actually the ones who negotiated the US withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban and basically agreed to terms of handing the government reigns directly back over to them before we could even get our young people back home. Biden takes a ton of blame for following through, but it was Trump's foreign dignitaries who cooked up the entire plan.
a special place for him, He gets a special trophy For telling the most lies of anyone anywhere.
Linda Joy
I don't know what stories you're reading! He's made more actual strides to do what he said he would than any other president in history. -
Archie Bunker
Baba, you're thinking of wipe-my-server-with-a-cloth-Hillary. -
Sandra Ursula
Hillary tells more lies that anybody. The liberal news media lie about him, and you believe their lies. -
There are videos of him lying repeatedly. -
Army Veteran
mugwort - I see you failed to provide any links to back up your claim. -
Go to Especially the "pants on fire" rating. -
"1465 mugwort - I see you failed to provide any links to back up your claim." Like Orange Don and the BIG LIE. NEVER ANY EVIDENCE!! -
Army Veteran
LJ - the stories they're reading are sourced from media that is so far left-leaning that if they took a deep breath, they'd topple over. -
Army Veteran
Politifact (the correct spelling) was found, by independent analysis, in two different studies, in two different years, to be 3 times more likely to disparage Conservatives than Liberals. One point should be especially noted - between their inception in 2009 and 2020, Hillary Clinton was never included in their "lie of the year" "award", even after her debacle over wiping her servers. You pick unbiased resources, don't you? -
Linda Joy
Wow! Thanks Army Veteran/1465. It is completely unbelievable how biased the media has become. And political parties as well. Its disgusting. Donald Trump often misquotes, but he is a smart businessman and did great things for this country. He also made a lot of mistakes because he wasn't an experienced politician. But he didn't tell anyone to riot at the capital, and even if he did, people ALL PEOPLE need to be responsible for their own actions and quit blaming others for "society's problems". These are individuals making individual choices and anyone over the age of 18 is accountable for their actions. Doing otherwise, blaming others, is not being AN ADULT! And not doing the right thing is also a personal choice with personal accountability. Anything other than this gives people permission to do what they know is the wrong thing for what THEY BELIEVE is the right reason. That's why the law exists.
He has been caught on tape bragging about reaching under unsuspecting women's skirts and grabbing their vagina and has been caught countless times lying about things that are extremely easy to verify. When he gives reasons why he wants or doesn't want certain things he grossly exaggerates and distorts facts and statistics. His plan for taxes clearly benefited the most wealthy and did almost nothing for the middle class but drastically reduced revenue. Now, with a very tight budget due in large part to the reduced revenue, he is blaming social security and calling it an entitlement program which it obviously is not because people pay for it. He has done some good things but he is completely untrustworthy and attacks anyone who disagrees with him like a dictator in a third world country. Short answer: disaster and embarrassment.
Sandra Ursula
Obama was the disaster and embarrassment. Hillary would've been total disaster. -
Sandra loves having a racist White Supremacist for a president who buys whores. -
Army Veteran
OC - where are links to back up your claims? As for taxes, he wanted to lower taxes - this benefits the blue-collar workers. Yes, the rich take advantage of it too - but raising taxes would only benefit the rich. They have all kinds of tax-dodge loopholes that any good accountant can take advantage of (remember the investigation of Trump's taxes - and how it showed him not guilty of what he was accused of?) The blue-collar worker has no such loopholes and thus, he is the one to suffer. -
Army Veteran
Considering "white supremacy" is a term made up by racists to justify their hate by having something to oppose, you sure do develop amnesia when it comes to the crimes being committed by the Biden crime family. -
Linda Joy
Its the bias that irritates me. Not even acknowledging any of a person's work or good deeds - what about the fact he donated his pay as a president? I've never seen that brought up by the left. Its like they "forgot" he was originally a democrat!
I would agree with political scientist Pippa Norris who described Trump as a "populist authoritarian". He's no more republican than he is democrat! He doesn't play the political game the way other politicians do. And that's exactly why I like him! Sure he has a plethora of faults! But what politician doesn't? What human doesn't for that matter? If you think you can do a better job throw your hat in for 2020! We could use some more good options to choose from! In the mean time you're not going to get him out of there. If the crimes Clinton committed didn't get him put out of office I doubt anything Trump does will ever be as bad. Here is Trumps published position on his political spectrum. Lets see which ones he accomplishes... "The political positions of United States President Donald Trump (sometimes referred to as Trumpism[1][2]) have elements from across the political spectrum. Trump has proposed sizable income tax cuts and deregulation consistent with conservative (Republican Party) policies, along with significant infrastructure investment and protection for entitlements for the elderly, typically considered liberal (Democratic Party) policies. His anti-globalization policies of trade protectionism and immigration reduction cross party lines.[3] Trump has said that he is "totally flexible on very, very many issues."[4] Trump's signature issue is immigration, especially illegal immigration,[5] and in particular building or expanding a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico"
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Sweetie, Clinton never tried to buy Greenland. Its embarrassing. -
Army Veteran
U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward signed a treaty with Russia for the purchase of Alaska for $7 million. Despite the bargain price of roughly two cents an acre, the Alaskan purchase was ridiculed in Congress and in the press as “Seward’s Folly,” “Seward’s icebox,” and President Andrew Johnson’s “polar bear garden.” [] Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - Alaska didn't have 500,00 people living in modern conditions with a Parliament. The Greenlanders could have taken us to War. The Eskimos? Maybe not. lol And btw Mark Twain made that quote. -
Hulk smacks down the TINFOIL HAT!! -
Army Veteran
@ Hulk70156...the population of Greenland *today* is only 56,898. "Modern conditions"? If you're comparing Alaska of 1867 with Greenland of today, you're daffier than I thought. Why don't you research your material before posting it and stop making it up? -
Army Veteran
@ Chicagoan...give your "tinfoil hat" to Hulk. And make one for yourself since you support everything he says. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I would give you quotes and citations but you would call them "liberal" and wouldn't believe them, so what's the point?
near the bottom
He's in his own spot marked "ME!!!" He's authoritarian and right wing. His populism is a fake populism designed to get votes; he doesn't actually care about those who aren't rich and powerful.
He's Jerry Falwell crazy.
What a great comparison. A fat Orange military-dodging Pig who buys whores and proclaims his own White Supremacy.
As compared to Biden? On the high end of the seesaw.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Biden doesn't try to kill people. Trump did.
Trump was a mistake.😌
I dunno...somewhere between orange and yellow?
He's somewhere on the recurring liberal nightmare end of the spectrum.
at the bottom
Trump is like a gas guage he's either E for Evil or F for F*cked up. lol
as low as it can go
Trump's political philosophy is an entirely new paradigm. You might think that it's similar for each new president, but this is only something that has happened a handful of times in US history, and especially less frequently in more modern times than when the nation was in its nascence. I believe that's a really big reason why he was so popular - his followers saw him as a ray of hope for a big change in government in the future. I, personally, would say that the change we got was not at all what he promised, and not at all what we expected, but, I suppose there are those who would very strongly disagree with my statement of such. I'd say that history will clear the lens of how we look at Trump's administration with time, and, either I'll turn out to be mistaken about him or else his vehement supporters, like the ones who tried to storm the US Capitol over false pretenses that he doubled down on despite having evidence of the contrary, will be proven right somehow.
Linda Joy
Thanks for at least discussing the issues and answering the question. I think most of what Trump didn't accomplish was because of the huge tide of opposition from the media, and COVID. And I truly believe China released that virus on the world intentionally to depose him. They have no respect for life at all. And they are going to sucker punch America through tick tock or however they spell it. They've already stole the country through unfair trade agreements. Oh well, we disagree politically and I'm not looking to fight (today lol) -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The media has no direct checks and balances over the president. Look at what Andrew Jackson was able to accomplish when a veto-proof majority of congress hated him. If China was clever enough to forsee Covid taking out Trump's administration, I could believe that conspiracy, but, we are talking about the same country who said "that's not our balloon, but you had better give it back to us, or else!"
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