Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. In classical, non-relativistic physics it is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually described as a fundamental quantity. My blog: Physics is the only science that explicitly studies time, but even physicists agree that time is one of the most difficult properties of our universe to understand. ... In the sciences generally, time is usually defined by its measurement: it is simply what a clock reads.
For theory both Space and Time are linked together. In the physical sciences most concern has to due with measurements of comparison. What has changed and by how much.
nneasuring tinne
Time is how nature keeps everything from happening all at once.
Time is what is in between the beginning and the end
The seconds or hours it takes to do this or that or go anywhere or just to wait. 😈
I'm sorry I didn't understand that. Could you rephrase it completely using totally different words? Haha just fooling -
Rick Myres
Lol I like your sense of humor :)
Physicists define time as the progression of events from past to present into the future. "If a system is unchanging, it is timeless." Time is not something we can see, touch or taste. It is a measurement of energy of which matter such as life is merely a transitional phase.
It's a good question. Some say that time is simply what a clock reads. Personally, I don't like that definition, because a clock is defined as an instrument that measures time, and since the concept of time is more elementary than the concept of a clock. Time is actually so elementary that it probably cannot be broken down into a combination of simpler ideas. Early physicists, like Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton, conceptualized time as the fundamental common quantity driving all rates of change. Later, time took on a different meaning in different branches of physics. In thermodynamics, time has a close relationship with equilibrium and also with entropy (a measured quantity relating to the disorder of something). In systems not at equilibrium, time is the variable spanning all of the interesting things happening until equilibrium is reached, and the quantity of entropy in the closed system increases as the "time" increases. In quantum physics, time is a parameter relating to energy in the same way position relates to momentum (this is one of few ways quantum theory and relativity are similar). Some newer theories, like loop quantum gravity, require time and position to be quantized on their own, meaning that, according to those models, when you zoom in with enough magnification, space is like a discrete grid and time is like discrete pages in a flipbook, not smoothly continuous as we experience these things on a macroscopic level. Electromagnetism is where relativity was first conceptualized, because a magnetic field is a mathematical transformation of an electric field involving time. This was also where the rate of motion of a light source was observed to emit light at a constant velocity, regardless of the rate of motion of the observer as well. This put time into a different perspective relative to space, as the classical interpretation of time, according to people like Galileo, no longer applied to electromagnetic fields. From that set of discoveries, Einstein formulated the General Theory of Relativity, which treats time as a special case of a spacial dimension. So, in rectangular coordinates, you have up/down (x), left/right (y), front/back (z), and forward/backward in time (t). The length of an object (s) is the square root of the sum of the squares of it's spacial lengths. In relativity, the length is the square root of the difference of the sum of the squares of the spacial dimensions and the square of the time dimension. This gives rise to 4-d vector quantities, like 4-space (x,y,z,t) or "space-time," 4-momentum, which is 3-d momentum and the energy, 4-potential, which combines electric and magnetic potentials, and so forth. As general relativity led to cosmology, the treatment of time also developed, because, in cosmology, the universe is expanding, so time is, essentially, the measurement of how expanded the universe is.
All the fancy terminology doesn’t appeal to me .. time is something you can count. God made it and he never gets it wrong. There are years, months and days.. and if that isn’t enough there are calendars and clocks!
Simply put, its a dimension connected to space relative to earth.
probably the measurement of time
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