Bass guitar: perfect pitch for my head, of course when played good!
Flute because for me it works like meditation, i close my eye's, just concentrate on flute and on my mind. for my its not only instrument it is a tool for mind relaxation. Thankyou.
ive never played one but i like listening to it
The human voice, as we become the instrument as we sing.
The saxophone is sexy.
My phone. I can play anything on it, take it almost anywhere, and it fits in my pocket! lol. Actually I wanted a flute till I got one and then I wished I'd gotten a clarinet. The saxophone is sexy, and the harmonica has its advantages as well. But few instruments now days are considered true works of art like a stradivarius or beautiful pieces of furniture like a baby grand. I don't think I could choose just one, so I'll stick with the phone.
You have to look up and listen to "Eh Cumpari" After reading your answer thought of this old Italian song.
Drums, because drums are cool.
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