Porn shop. High turn over of products and very few returns. High profits.
Open a strip club. But be prepared to fail after a few years.
A Nevada Ranch (high class whorehouse).
I think we all know sex sells big time! -
Ice man
I'm certainly not going to disagree, us older cats know what sells ... whether it's cars, hamburgers , or anything else. But ... I suspect the author of this question is very young, and lives somewhere else on the planet ... where things aren't what they are ... here in North America. If you know what I mean ?
not sure
Clothing and shoes like an eCommerce store A Coupon websites can be profitable business.
Open your own stable of whores.
Illicit drugs is #1 then human trafficking then weapons. If you want the legal ones here are the top 3: Accounting, tax prep, bookkeeping, payroll services: 18.3% Legal services: 17.4% Lessors of real estate: 17.4%
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