It works, but it may take a day or two for it to show up just like the leader board and counting your questions and answers. I don't follow anyone, but they follow me. The friends feature doesn't work though. I looked at your profile and it shows someone is following you. Also at the bottom of your question page are related questions you may want to scroll through if no one answers right away.
Willy D Billiams
Really? Why would it not show up right away? Who ever heard of such a thing? lol
I just did that and yesterday it showed I have 4 followers with only 3 of them showing now yours finally shows. I guess this is a slow time lol.
Willy D Billiams
I have to say, this is a very strange site. :) -
Rick Myres
Yes it is. :) -
Willy D Billiams
Wait a minute! If I cant order/sort/etc by followers and who I follow... does following do anything? I figured that if we follow each other, we should be able to, in some way, filter out other... stuff. -
Rick Myres
Now this:: I have wondered the same about it and never saw a way. This site seems to be very basic. Without even the old ways to do anything.
not sure where to click to follow someone
Rick Myres
Just above the person's avatar is where the "follow" button is.
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