I have a 57 inch Sony tv
umm! nice.
not sure but it says sharp in front of the tv set
Orion 19 inch.
I don't own a tv, but Gen brought hers when she stayed with me after losing her apartment. It's a Sanyo, probably 25 or 30 inch. It doesn't pick up channels, but she brought a DVD player and some dvd's. Haven't used it in probably 6 mos.
How resourceful: (needs an aerial) -
Linda Joy
I just got a laptop. It's not online yet, but I'll probably just use it. My neighbor's tv was struck by lightning yesterday. I'll probably let her use Gen's tv.
40" Sony
What a hateful troll you are. I am 5'-2.25". You are a vile racist to say Asians are all short. -
Quote: "I am 5'-2.25"." LOL -
Gross racism from Jenny who shows how evil she is. -
It is funny how you two go hand in hand. lol -
Nothing is funny about two people agreeing.. I see some of Jenny's hateful comments were removed. It soothes her immature ego to imagine that only one person disagrees with her when millions of people do. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, what a coincidence that you and Venus1485 answered likewise. lol
40" Sony
Duplicate answer. -
Two people can have the same TVs. -
You said that you, Linda Joy and Iceman were the same person. You said Mircat is the same as me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I wouldn't doubt the two people who are the same identity can share a duplicate answer. Quote: "You said that you, Linda Joy and Iceman were the same person." Quote me where I said that.
I have a 60" inch LG Ultra HD TV. It is mounted on the living room wall with a surround sound system. I hardly don't watch TV, but when I do, I like to get cozy in my living room and watch some DVD movies.
Kojira no Heh! -
You want some egg rolls? -
Egg rolls are Chinese, but ReiSan is Japanese. Jenny is a "Stronzo"! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Venus1485, a harumaki is a Japanese egg roll, although egg rolls in America are commonly known among Asian people. "Oso!" -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You and ReiSan are the same member. Therefore, grow up and stop calling people names. -
I am not Venus 1485. Jnny''s immature ego cannot cope with many people disagreeing with her, so she uses the habitual troll routine of claiming someone has several accounts, rather than facing the fact that many people disagree with her ignorant beliefs. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, you and Venus1485 share the same grammar. Not that it matters who you are, since I am always prepared to give an answer or leave a comment were it's needed. I don't give anybody the last word, so get used to it.
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