Absolutely not! But I have friends here so I keep coming back.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Fair enough. -
So what would make AB better? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Roaring, AB needs less sensitive people. -
Willy D Billiams
Im new here. Is it worth trying to cultivate some friendships? -
Linda Joy
Welcome, Willy! I've made friends here. -
Linda Joy
Roaring, what would make the site better is if everyone would ask more questions and if those who don't like them or don't know an answer would just scroll past instead of making it a point to Bitch and complain about those who are trying to participate. And I'd personally like to see the "Leader board" blown to pieces because whomever is at the top is attacked and criticized for being there and there is NO REWARD so what's the point? -
Willy D Billiams
lol. I think every QA site suffers from the stuff you mentioned Linda. I think it is just the way it is. -
Rick Myres
Linda I found years ago Youtube is that same way. And Answermug was even worse that way (for me). Yahoo answers has changed to a full page list and I stopped using it. -
Linda Joy, there are plenty of questions on this website. Whether they are old or new, it doesn't matter. I don't think you have answered every question that exists on Answerbag. I see questions I have never seen before. What Answerbag needs are upgrades. -
Linda Joy, quote: ""Leader board" blown to pieces because whomever is at the top is attacked and criticized for being there and there is NO REWARD so what's the point?" We all know there are no rewards, but the point is: that would inspire more AB members to ask more questions when they see themselves at the top of the list. They would feel like they are doing something good. Think, think, think! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "That's not what you told me before I put you there!" I told you, I appreciate what you were doing, but you did not put me anywhere and I'll prove it. You said if I gave your answers a thumbs up, that would defeat the whole purpose: Quote from your response: "Be sure to not like my answers." Guess what? I gave you a thumbs up every time you answered my questions, because I like to earn my ranks. If you don't believe me, go through your answers. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, when I made it to the very top of This Week's Leaders on AB, I was already asking significant questions and thumping the Bible persistently in my answers to get there. I have a full-time job, so it's not often you will see me up there. Just like me and others who felt like you were an Answerbag moderator, we really didn't think we had a chance to "move you out of the way." Now, I and others wondering know it is possible to be in first place with dedicated time and effort on AB: Once again: we all know there are no rewards, but the feeling of being on top was an actual moment I can boast about. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, it's just a thought. I have noticed that 5 of my non-religious answers have been deleted. When I used to check on them, your answers were right behind mine. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "One like doesn't compensate for two, duh!" And don't expect me to answer in "detail" why various ABers mentioned you in their comments, saying they felt the same way. All I can say: *Talk to the hand* As for my deleted answers: I'll just call it a coincidence that 5 of my answers were removed for no reason. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, I don't talk behind people's back. If I have the need to say something negative about you, I will let you know. -
Responding to Jenny's "AB needs less sensitive people." I am very sensitive, yet if I take something personally, I may reserve much of reaction to myself. That said, I can learn from being witness to the full range of Q & A and comment threads. The big question for me is always "What promotes interesting and thought provoking dialogue?" -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Hello everyone, I was away from AB for a few weeks, but I'm back as usual. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Roaring, if you feel you are too sensitive, you should not engage with people who are used to arguing on a daily basis. It only becomes personal when you feel like it's personal. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, you are all confused. You don't even know who you are calling out in these comments. You cannot prove with one link were I have told lies. You are free to go through my answers. Let me know with what you don't agree with it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Rita Sorkar, I couldn't agree more. The internet is about sharing ideas. In this case, Answerbag is a famously known social network. It is not as popular as it used to be, but those who are accustomed to this site have remained active. -
I think all of my comments that I made yesterday were removed. At least the ones that I looked for today were removed. How do you private message people on here now? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Texasescimo, you can't send private messages on AB. If you want to contact an ABer, you will have to ask them for their email address. I know what you mean about comments disappearing. I would suggest you contact Linda Joy. I think she is a moderator: -
Thank you. Didn't you message me a couple of years ago somehow or somewhere? Have you ever been on answermug? -
Interesting. I have noticed several threads where Linda Joy has attacked people that disagree with her. -
Nice job Linda Joy. My question in regards to Putin's Russia following in the footsteps of Hitler's Germany and Stalin in torturing Jehovah's Witnesses is offensive to you and gets removed while your bigoted hateful comments to me stay like: "we don't need JW literature trash " "JW propaganda" "And JW lies are not equivalent or even comperable to scipture!" "YOU SHOULD BE POSTING IN THE CULT AND LIES SECTION" -
I used to really like EP; then they went to "Similar Worlds". This one is new to me so I can't answer yet. -
Linda Joy
This is one place you lied right in this thread " I would suggest you contact Linda Joy. I think she is a moderator:" And then you lied about starting the rumor. I'm a user just like everyone else and as you can see my answers /comments have been removed as well. I CAN'T REMOVE ANYONE'S ANSWERS SO STOP LYING AND TELLING OTHERS THAT I DO OR HAVE! But I still stand by my opinion that JW propaganda is not scripture, and its trash to me. So we have different opinions, deal with it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Texasescimo, a few AB'ers have been claiming Linda Joy is the AB moderator to speak to whenever you come across problems on this site. She claims not to be one. If she wasn't an AB moderator, she should just tell us nicely that she's not. I think she gets all worked up so other AB'ers do not come running to her, telling her the problems they are having. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, everyone has a right to express their opinions, whether they are honest or propaganda. If there is something you will like to discuss with Texasescimo, you can go to his Answerbag profile and look for his religious questions to answer. I am sure he will get a chance to see your answers, knowing his email address is still active to receive feedback. It's been a while since Texasescimo has been active on this site. He won't be able to receive your comments, unless he comes back to this subject. But for sure he will receive your answers.
It sure floats my boat. Until I steer into those damn icebergs.
Be sure to fire that Jack Phillips fellow; he can't be relied upon to pay attention to ice reports.
For me it is I left Answermug.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Answermug was started because Answerbag started really going downhill. I suppose that was a long time ago.
Yes, it is good Question and Answer website..
No, not the best: user friendly more like. Although I do not go onto any others.
The users here are also friendly. :)
It's the best one I'm on (stopped using the others). But I keep waiting for upgrades, and waiting...
Jenny The Great ⭐
If Answerbag does improve, this website will be zooming with traffic. Until then, we have to play the waiting game, even though waiting is not a part of my game. :)
I left after a very short stay as I found the interface and navigation VERY difficult. I spend a good amount of time on as I find that interface to be the best of the QA sites. Yahoo questions was too "impersonal" for me but, of course, has the most users. I am here to check this out as well.
i think so but i like yahoo answers a lot too cause there you can answer questions about problems people are having, you cant do as much of that here
I havent been here too long but the thing that is sticking out to me is that the people seem nice and ask good questions. But it is overshadowed by the site itself which REALLY needs updates.
I've been a member of Answerbag since 2007...I'm hanging around at amirite....for now.
just took a glance at amirite. Looks like a good interface that allows graphics. Although there's something to be said about communicating primarily with words. That said AB does need some active committed moderator-designer to improve.
My asessment: 1) answermug: Alot of users. Something about it is just boring, though. Interface is meh. 2) choozler: Best site as far as usability and features. Needs more users, though. 3) yahoo answers: Most users, but way to impersonal as a result. Lame interface too. 4) amirite: Have had PMs read by moderators (confirmed this by putting a link in a PM and it was clicked on by a mod... hmmm) Be warned, they sell/give away your email. Will never use them again. 5) answerbag: Good users. I like ya'll :) But as for the site, dont know where to begin, lol
Rick Myres
When I get so I don't know where to begin I go to my profile and go from there. It might just be a mental game I play with myself too. :) -
Willy D Billiams, Answerbag is not growing in popularity like answerMug, Fluther and Yahoo Answers. Answerbag is out-of-date. The low amount of ABer's on this site are still here, because they are used to this site already. -
Willy D Billiams
its too bad the site isnt being maintained and updated. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Willy D Billiams, we'll see what happens. -
I agree with Jenny Rizzo. Answerbag used to be the best. Answermug is as close to being similar to the old answerbag but it is not as good as answerbag USED to be.
No idea!
Not close..Here, like most other places if you're not in some kind of teen group.not many people will bother answering any posts,no matter what is asked.Others can ask,Are you sexy? And get a lot of childish answers,,,Without private chat as promised more users will be lost.
Private chat is good for some, but there will be less banter in the comments.
No. Back in 2007 or so, yeah. Pretty much until Joel left. Its just a skeleton now.
It is one of the best but this new AB is not as good as the old AB before they stated changing it and eliminating some categories.
When it was young(er)
Hi Jenny you disappeared from following me again. I just played with my list of followed and do not see how to unfollow. 😲 And yes I figured out how to do the smiley thing. It's the Touch Keyboard thingie. I also got and email that tells how to use the keyboard to make them appear but that one is a bunch smaller and has a search feature for more icons. 🐁 🐀😎
Jenny The Great ⭐
Hello Rick, I was placed in the penalty box for I don't know what reason. Anyways, I also noticed the whole unfollow issue. Not to worry, I will go to your profile and refollow. -
Rick Myres
OK thanks. I have no idea why some get put into the penalty box. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
To this day of 10/13/2017, some people get put in the penalty box for no good reason.
No best, only better. Answerbag is a good question-and-answer platform.But quora is also good.But quora has been unable to open a web page recently, and I don't know why.
I don't know. This is only my first night here. There is one other that I like, and another that had a few cool people unfortunately overshadowed by idiots (AOR).
Linda Joy
Same here. -
All these sites are the same
It used to be .. back in the day!
It's cool, even though I don't come here often.
i think so but theres other ones i like too
This place used to be jumpin'! Then came along Tu, then some scag that drove in the final nail. With this resurrection I am not seeing a lot of promise due to no features (i.e. can't post pics, videos, or clickable links).
no its trash. they should have just let it die with a little dignity instead of bringing it back like this. big yikes
Jenny The Great ⭐
10/15/2017, the features on AB are outdated. Only time will tell if some of us AB'ers last long on this new and supposedly improved site.
No, censorship is heavy handed and there seems to be an effort to keep conversations at the benign level of 13 year old girls ("what's your favorite color", etc). That and pushing religious agendas severly limits the number of people interested.
No! It's about who's more popular rather than giving any true facts or figures. Knowledge and understanding you will NOT find here
It has always been a hangout. If you want real knowledge, go to yahoo answers. :P
Its the only one I use and I do my best to respond to and ask interesting questions. Also when questions go flat, I sometimes search in various categories and respond to the interesting ones I find, which brings it back to life.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Likewise. I have participated on Fluther, Yahoo Answers, answerMug, etc. I think AB is the place to be for asking and answering questions, as well as leaving comments when it's necessary. -
Linda Joy
You do ask good questions, Roaring. I appreciate you!
Don't think so
Jenny The Great ⭐
Don't give up from sharing on this site. We need more religious members for enlightenment. -
Thank you for the encouragement. I like the old answerbag the best. Answermug is the closest to being set up similarly to the old answerbag. Too many hostile people though, especially the anti-Bible type. I enjoy a discussion about the Bible with anyone of any type of belief or lack thereof, it just gets my goat when people haven't read the Bible and then are very adamant that it is just a fairy tale and only the ignorant believe it. Some admit to never have read it, with others, it's just obvious from talking to them that they are just parroting what others have said. -
I may be leaving again soon. I have run into a hateful troll getting my post deleted and threatening to flag my other post. I didn't realize that answerbag and Mormons were trying to keep it quiet about Putins Russia persecuting and torturing Jehovah's Witnesses. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Do come back to Answerbag. This site is in need of more religious members. :D
I like it. There is less drama here, however there are a lot of areas here that should be improved upon, and my experience has been the Admin isn't very receptive nor available when I have attempted contact.
Nope, GirlsAskGuys after reaching Level 1 / 2 you can ask questions and answer questions, You don't need to use your name and you can make up your Username , It's a great website and lot nice people I met on there
It's not exactly the best Q&A website. It's not as good as Yahoo Answers when that website was around. Yahoo Answers was the best in my opinion. Answerbag is somewhere among the top 5 Q&A websites in my view but that's just me.
It seems pretty stagnant.
No. It's poorly managed and needs a large number of improvements.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Very true.
Since YA is no more, it seems to be the best.
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