Theodosius of Bithynia, An early mathematician accredited as the inventor of a universal sundial that could be used anywhere on Earth.
Lilo Avli
Even North Canada ? -
Ice man
Contrary to popular belief - the sun even shines over Canada. -
Lilo Avli
This site sure is an education ! Next you'll tell me it never rains in England ! -
Ice man
No, I wouldn't tell you that, but I do remember ..."The rain in Spain, falls mainly on the plain". Does that help you ? -
Lilo Avli
Absolutely, it doesn't ! "The snails, in Wales, leave nasty, sticky trails." Bit like your ex, again, I suppose ! -
Ice man
Yes, that's part of why I hosed her down. -
Lilo Avli
Which part ? -
Ice man
The nasty, sticky parts first. Then a complete head to toe rinse. -
Lilo Avli
I'm spotting ANOTHER business opportunity ! This time next year, you and I could be billionaires ! Or President ! Or both ! I'll take the White House, you can take Camp David ! -
Ice man
Sounds good to me !
Hmm! Ask someone who didn't have a clue!
It was determined from the prime meridian that runs through England, France and on south. it was then divided into 24 equal spaces around the world or every 15 degrees changed time by one hour. I just read in book one of the Book of Enoch Chapter 72 and 73, how the calendar is made and how long the day is. In Enoch the day is divided into 18 parts (hours) of 80 ,minutes each with the year being 364 days long. Parts were a little difficult to understand especially when it was talking about the moon.
ReiSan. She looked at one of her amazing watches.
Watashi no udedokei? -
Beaker Five-O
No thanks, I've already eaten.
There were sundials before clocks were invented.
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