When you first get out of a warm shower your body is covered with bacteria. Most of this bacteria is removed when toweling off. The moisture in the towel and the bacteria in a moist shower room rapidly grow more bacteria causing the smell.
Lilo Avli
Thank you for your wise and informative answer.
Mostly from wiping up the floor ... until laundry day.
Lilo Avli
Wiping up what from the floor ?! -
Ice man
Water from the shower. Maybe I should buy a shower curtain ? -
Lilo Avli
Does your shower have insomnia ? -
Ice man
No, it's only missing a shower curtain. -
Lilo Avli
Won't such a curtain stick to your tanned, athletic body ? -
Ice man
No, it doesn't come in contact with my tanned, athletic body. -
Lilo Avli
Have you lost a lot of weight ? Last time I saw you, you were 320 pounds ? With your socks on. -
Ice man
Yes, I don't wear my socks in the shower anymore. -
Lilo Avli
Is there a health reason behind this shocking revelation ? -
Ice man
I repaired the washing machine. Since then I don't need to do my laundry when I shower. -
Lilo Avli
You are SO posh ! -
Ice man
That may be so ... but I'll never sing with the "Spice Girls" ...again. : )
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