Somebody must have got water on the comic books and the TV somehow got broken. :)
Very funny. -
Rick Myres
Once again glad to make you laugh. Lol -
the watchers are an ancient race of aliens who once made a terrible mistake and swore never to repeat it, to watch and not interfere -
Yeah, cool Star Trek episode.
I have seen this as dealing with ancient history some of which people claim was removed from the Bible, possibly by King James. I am not a believer but this is what I understand (in an extreme nutshell and probably not 100% accurate): The Watchers were ancient angles at the time humans were beginning to populate the earth. They were in charge of watching over and helping mortals on earth to survive and get along. They came down and lived among humans but God ordered them not to divulge a number of technologies like manipulating fire. Problem was that many of them fell in love with mortals and began marrying them and having offspring. As that took place they defied God and gave the humans fire and other technology, which angered God. I believe they became the "fallen angles" one of which became Lucifer who had a particularly contentious relationship with God and of course became the devil. There are some who believe that Lucifer actually sided with humans and helped them when God would not...?
Partially correct and a good attempt but there is more to the answer. What happened to them? Why?
The people who got jobs due to the Patriot Act. They are spying on your every keystroke. They are still here but you'll never see them since its all computer code.
The Watchers are what many unbelievers consider today as aliens from a different planet. To a believer, (Daniel 4:13) describes Holy angels as Watchers who "intercede" with the righteous. On the contrary, there are also fallen angels known as the Nephilim who evolved in Genesis 6:1-4. After the flood, they were wiped out, but since they were "divine" according to Scripture, the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim remained on Earth by the sons of Anak. (Numbers 13:33) In today's modern world, the Nephilim remain present and are highly active in "higher places" like: watchtowers, technology and with masterminds to deceive mankind, despite no longer having a physical body. The Bible proclaims that Satan is behind all this: 2 Corinthians 4:4 "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
mostly correct -
I don't believe in aliens or in other planets in case you are thinking that. I'm using the beginning of my sentence to explain how the ungodly observes the unseen. -
The nephilim were not the angels but the offspring of the angels. They were giants often being over 4000 cubits in height. They were vicious and caused great problems on the earth. The flood was caused by God to rid the world of the nephilium. The full information about the Watchers is found in the first part of the Book of Enoch part one -
Quote: "The nephilim were not the angels but the offspring of the angels." This is literal thinking. The Bible states man and woman will become one flesh. Literally, two individuals remain, but in the spiritual sense, man and woman are both one. Therefore, the Nephilim and the fallen angels are one (due to), the "offspring." -
To Thinker5 Then A DONAI saw that the wickedness of humankind was great on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their heart was only evil all the time. 6 So A DONAI regretted that He made humankind on the earth, and His heart was deeply pained. 7 So A DONAI said, ?I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the face of the ground, from humankind to livestock, crawling things and the flying creatures of the sky, because I regret that I made them.? "Tree of Life Holy Scriptures": To me this passage clearly shows it was the wickedness of humankind that made the LORD destroy the earth in a flood. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
A further note: the Nephilim were on the Earth in those days of the flood and afterward. They were not 100% human, but fallen angels. We must assume that the demons committed their sin again sometime after the flood. Apparently it was to a much lesser extent localized in the region of Canaan. When the Israelites went to spy on the land of Canaan, the spies reported back to Moses and the others: "And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them" Numbers 13:33 -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Evidence of their existence: -
"I don't believe in aliens or in other planets in case you are thinking that." No, she limits her beliefs to cult creatures who have never been proven to be real, by anyone. -
"Evidence of their existence:" --- recently discovered graves in China, of people between 5-9" and 6-3"... this is their proof of GIANTS. Yeah, OK hon, keep desperately grasping at things that might prove your silly cult book someday. LOL!! Meanwhile, people still cling to the already-proven-fraudulent Rag of Turin! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Chicago, you are misinformed. There are many accounts of archaeologists finding very large bones and weaponry or other artifacts that only a giant could have used.
In the Book of Enoch, the watchers (Aramaic עִירִין, iyrin) are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, defect en masse to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them.
Bingo but there is still much more to the demise of the watchers. The Book of Enoch has the whole story of the watchers. -
Thinker, let us know your take on this subject. I said the same thing as GOPAL123 in my answer, but with biblical reference. Yet, you tell others there is more to the story. Don't keep it in secret. This is AB were we can share with other users. -
OK Jenny, Your wish my desire. As several have said, the Watchers were a group of 200 angels the Lord God sent to earth to watch over the people. They found the human women beautiful and married them. They had intercourse with the human women and the women had children of the angels. These children were huge giants known as the Nephilim. The book of Enoch lists them as being 3000 cubits tall (approx. 4,500 ft) The Watchers taught the humans how to make swords, shields and breast plates others other things. The Nephilim were vicious and made life miserable for humans. God repented for making humans and was going to destroy all life on the earth riding the earth of the evilness of the people especially the Nephilim God found favour in Noah and spared him and his family. The entire story of the Watchers and the Nephilim can be found in the Book of Enoch. it can be found on You tube and also in book form and even Kindle. -
Thinker, thanks for sharing! My religious beliefs are based on the Bible. I added Genesis 6:1-4 in my answer, which talks about how the Nephilim evolved, who were they and what were their intentions. I also added Numbers 13:33. The verse mentions the huge giants by the sons of Anak. Just in the word Nephilim, it is related to the verb series "to fall" in Hebrew. It couldn't be any clearer, fallen angels still abide with mankind. It is a spiritual warfare. -
Jenny, I hope if you have not read the Book of Enoch you do so. It is very interesting and names all the angles and their doings. You can listen to it on youtube under Enoch. -
Thinker, the Spirit of truth is all we need to understand the indiscernible in comparison to what scholars think. Other than that, will do. -
I’ve read 66 inspired books of the Bible and enough of the “Book of Enoch” to know that it does not belong in the Bible. Enoch shows that the nephilim were 300 cubits tall with evil spirits proceeding from their flesh. Enoch living 500 years. Angels making the Ark. (If 3,000 cubits tall, even more far-fetched.) If the nephilim were 300 cubits tall, covering the tallest of the mountains to 15 cubits (Gen7:20) would not have done the trick. The Bible shows that Enoch only lived to 365.(Gen 5:23) The Bible shows that Noah built the Ark. (Gen 6:13–14) ...... 12Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them; -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Texasescimo, it sounds like average people used the names of famous people such as characters from the Bible to make the Book of Enoch appear authentic. :) -
Jude gives a nod to this verse 6. I believe the Ethiopian bible kept the book of Enoch in the bible
In the Bible it talks of watchers and it is sort of about what we call today as night guards. Who are to warn people. But in the Bible it is talking about people not accepting Him despite the warnings and perish.
never heard of them
The Nephilim were giants in the Bible who frightened Israelite soldiers. -
More imaginary creatures! WHOOOPPPEEEEE!!!! -
Here Chicagoan check out the Lucis Trust which is funded by the UN, see "history" and follow the links enjoy. Oh and Charles Darwin's grandfather Eramus gave him the idea of evolution, Eramus was a 33rd degree freemason, most members of the Luna Society(now Royal Society) had to be either Freemasons or Rosicrucian, and they are not atheist. So begs the question why would they want people to be atheist?
Why did Jehovah God create the myriads of angels???? It is THEY who watch over us...and can act to cause or prevent happenings on this earth... And any one angel has tremendous powers... (Isaiah 37:36) And the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men in the camp of the As
Why would an all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful god need help overseeing things when nothing would ever escape such a creature and it can act on a split second without any effort. It doesn't need helpers. Believers cannot even recognize the obvious, ridiculous flaws in stories that were poorly written by people who couldn't think outside the box ----- because believers cannot think outside the box! Critical thinking is out of their reach! -
All seeing and all powerful,,,Yes! but HE [ Jehovah God ] is looking for compliant ones...humble enough to be obedient...Matthew 28: 19,20...Only these will survive Armageddon...
The angels that were sent to earth to watch over mankind but fell in love with the daughters of men. Many influential figures believe that through contact with angels they have guided human evolution. See John Dee and Enochian Magic
In a dream Nebuchadnezzar saw that a “watcher who was also a holy one came down from heaven” and gave instructions and then said: “The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, the decision by the word of the holy ones, to the end that the living may know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men. Two hundred and forty of the Levites and thirty of the priests had to stay awake all night long, keeping guard to prevent any unclean ones from entering the temple courtyards. There were twenty-four stations covering the complete temple area, where ten of the Levites stood guard at each station as night watchers.
This is a story that has been highly embellished by the new Noah's ark movie but the watchers were originally the being that we now call Lucifer and the angels that were under his command they were good angels until they did what was bad Jesus Christ put them in charge of watching over mankind but Lucifer became angry because Lucifer used to be in charge of an age that we call the age of the dinosaurs and now Jesus made Lucifer a babysitter and Lucifer felt insulted but anyway that's how the idea of the watchers came into being
[[ Who were the Watchers? ]] A bunch of fat-headed bald aliens that used to show up in Marvel comics. [[ Where did they come from, ]] Some crazy planet, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... [[ what did they do, ]] Er...watched? [[ what happened to them? ]] They still show up from time to time.
There's nothing in the Bible about the watchers that's a made up addition from the Noah's ark story that they put on TV
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