found I found a wallet. It was full of cash. I didn't count it but there was easily $500 sticking out. It was sitting on the grass at the farmers market. So I did what any reasonable person would do and I took it to the event management table. I didn't look inside, I didn't do anything with the contents. Just turned it in. You know, like reasonable fucking adults do! (I had my wallet stolen last month. When I got it back, all my cash was gone. I'm still bitter.)
Linda Joy
I'm so sorry that happened to you! But you did the right thing! I'm not sure I would have trusted the people at the events table to return the money. I probably would have looked for identification information and contacted the person myself and returned it to them personally.
My balls. Right before my divorce. Yes, I'm keeping them and they're priceless.
Linda Joy
Where did she have them hid when you found them? -
Hardcore Conservative
The same place all wives keep them: her purse. But, I got them back and divorced her ass! -
Linda Joy
Good for you!
Christ Consciousness within. Keeping it always. Worth more than anything.
My mothers emerald broach!
Linda Joy
Did you get to keep it? How much was it worth? I suspect it was worth much more to you than the monetary value. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Actually I was nosing in her dressing table, found it at the end of a drawe, it was about 2" x 1.5" surrounded by diamonds. I showed it to mother and she said she thought she had lost it. As a matter of a fact she couldn't remember where her coronet was either. Never to found to the best of my knowledge.
Found a diamond ring at the beach last year and it appraised for $4000. Kinda ugly. I should sell it, but it seems like good luck.
Linda Joy
I would consider it good luck as well! Yay you! -
we are dough 68
I'll give you $599 for it.
Linda Joy
How much? -
about $20
The love of Jesus Christ!
A $20 note.
A near mint-condition Mercury head dime.
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