What does validate mean ?
Ice man
It's a Russian dating service aimed at bringing you island dwellers together. You and the turtles should sign up. -
we are dough 68, like Ice man said, it is a Russian dating service. ^_^ -
we are dough 68
I prefer Swedes. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, it's your loss on Vodka. -
we are dough 68
But my gain on Ikea furniture. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, you are not speaking proper English, but thanks for sharing anyways. -
we are dough 68
There's plenty more I'd like to "share" with you. -
we are dough 68, just keep your man boobs to yourself and go sit in a corner. LMAO -
we are dough 68
Do I get any supper ? -
Say what? You're all the dough you need. *Facepalm*
As long as it is done in the same language!
Fair enough.
Yes. : )
Really? Regardless if certain users have a bad reputation for giving advice? -
Ice man
Your question asked for a one-word response, and I complied with your wish. But joking aside ...when people, who have a reputation for giving bad advice, do so ... I usually conclude that they don't know what they are talking about in the first place and secondly I ignore them. I have a really good bullshit detector, so yes, my one word answer stands. -
Quote: "I usually conclude that they don't know what they are talking about in the first place" Do you even know what you're saying? There is a contradiction in your comment. How does your answer stand when you are implying that some users do not know what they are talking about. My question doesn't revolve around you. What about others users, how can they be certain when they ask a question and get a Yes or No response from other users without adding an explanation or reference to back up their claims? -
Ice man
I think you have misunderstood my comment because you aren't looking at your question from the same angle I did. You know how you meant it, but I read it a different way and, being a smart-ass, I answered with a one word answer. I'm not going to argue the fine (and correct) points you made toward the end of your last comment, but will say that your question does revolve around the person answering because you started it with the use of " Can you". -
My question and my comments are accurate. And I'll prove it. First, "Can you" applies to every ABer. Second, since you said you read my question in a different way, then that's why you have to "pay attention" by reading questions properly. For further details, I categorized my question under: "ABOUT ANSWERBAG ? ANSWERS AND RATINGS" I also made it clear in my reference that how can a one-word response be validated by users who cannot be trusted for advice. Your answer was Yes, so how is it my fault for staying on subject??? -
Ice man
I never said that you were inaccurate, so don't go off on a tangent and put words in my mouth. You don't seem to understand that others can, and may view things from a different point of view from that of your own. So, sadly, we will have to agree to disagree. -
Quote: "I never said that you were inaccurate," Where did I imply this on you??? Not one single fault can you find on my remarks. Again, I made it clear that my question and comments are accurate. No excuses. Everything I posted including the "category" is in detail. There is no agree to disagree. If you can't read questions properly, because as you said: "but I read it a different way" then your answer is unreliable. -
we are dough 68
Mummy ! Daddy ! Please stop fighting. Little Johnny is crying. -
Ice man
we are dough 68, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and everything will be alright.
I will take your answer into consideration, since you are known for giving good advice. :)
Certainly! I have a niece with an IQ of 40 I wouldn't trust her for financial advice, but she knows which movie is playing in which room of the theatre and at what times. She's very sweet and could teach many people how to be more kind and humble.
Quote: "I have a niece with an IQ of 40" A lot of ABers have an IQ of 20 for profound mental retardation. One has to be retarded to trust another retard with a simple one-word response. In case you get it twisted, a retard by definition is characterized by a slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, -
Linda Joy
Actually I'm a top ten percenter- guess that shows how good you are at evaluating IQ's! Hahaha! -
A "ten percenter" ranges from 35-50 with a moderate retardation. An IQ of 20 is also considered an idiot at its finest. Quote: "guess that shows" Actually, a "guess" is an opinion formed without knowledge. Some knowledge you have, hahahahahahaha! -
Linda Joy
I guess you're just too 'smart' to understand American slang! and I said top 10% not bottom 10% if you can't figure that one out then I'm out of this conversation. It's obvious to me you're the idiot because you won't learn. And that's far different than those who can't learn through no fault of their own! -
Your knowledge isn't too bad. I'll break it down for you anyways. The severity of the mental retardation is simply broken into 4 levels: 50-70 - Mild mental retardation 35-50 - Moderate mental retardation 20-35 - Severe mental retardation IQ of 20 - Intense mental retardation. To be fair, we all go through retardation one way or the other depending on our mood. So smile.
i dont see why not
Since you don't see why not, I'll make it simple. How can you evaluate an answer with a yes, no, maybe, perhaps or probably? Oh, most likely you will say: "You can." lol
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