Someone in charge can only see his personal position and beliefs no matter how many people have come out against it. It isn't about journalism it's about someone trying to further their agenda, one sided fake stories. CNN is the most disliked news out there. I deleted it from my phone and blocked them on Facebook. I'm sure there are plenty more just like me. I would call it stupid and blind.
The answer can only be subjective to a question like this.
No, there's an objective answer if you can find it.
Maybe CNN and Fox and the like can change their names to the Stephen Glass syndrome network. I have seen the movie Shattered Glass.
Just puppets, like all corporate media
It's biased, stupid, dumb, insane and hateful.
dont sound right to me either
The way you constantly diss CNN, I am surprised that you admit to watching it for two years.
I guess only for Trump supporters! lol
Sandra Ursula
We know it tells dumb lies on him 24/7. It has evidently brainwashed you.
That's because the democrats don't actually have a platform. It's just much easier to rip on the other guy's ideas instead of coming up with your own.
It wins a Darwin Award! It should be prosecuted for libel and inciting civil war.
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