have no idea
The colour orange and the fruit orange have completely different origins. The colour orange was named for the Dutch noble "House of Orange," as the colour of their banners. The fruit was imported to England through Europe, where the fruit was known as "naranja," derived from the name of the fruit in Asian languages. This became "a noranj" in Middle English, but, since people don't know how to spell and pronounce things lazily, "a noranj" morphed into "an oranj" and then "an orange." If you got your information from wikipedia regarding this topic, I'd offer taking what it says there with a grain of salt, since the online anyone-can-edit-it encyclopedia says that the colour was named after the fruit, but 1. The colour predates the fruit in England by about 200 years and 2. Oranges are actually naturally yellowish. Most grocery store oranges are dyed orange.
Linda Joy
I find it interesting you chose to argue with me when you don't even know my opinion yet! Do you argue with yourself as well? Or are you always right? -
Linda Joy
Time for another break, and I just got here!!! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I'm not always right, but when I think I am, I tend to come off argumentative to people. LOL I didn't mean to offend. I just mentioned the wikipedia etymology because it is a common misconception, cleared up by doing a little bit of additional research.
Yes and you're wrong.
Linda Joy
How do you know? I haven't even answered yet.
No I don't
BTW-Nothing rhymes with orange.
Linda Joy
or purple. -
C'mon Linda, what about "nurple?" --Austin Powers "Goldmember" (2002) -
What about "schmorange"?
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