I was thinking this same thing earlier today! I had decided to play Michael Bluble's Feeling Good While I stretch out in the morning! What do you listen to first thing in the morning Ice man? (I'm guessing it's something like
Ice man
Something like that, yup. Good guess.
So true. As my sleepy eyes open to another day of world peace and free love, the smooth, dulcet tones of a Dean Friedman masterpiece, cascading all around my boudoir, is enough to put a glow in my heart, a smile of happiness on my face, and a length of lead in my pencil, lasting for many hours ahead.
Ice man
I think you're still dreaming. Dean is enough to put any insomniac to sleep. Zzzzzzzz -
Lilo Avli
Orf with your head, Mister. I'll get Queen Theresa to put you in the tower. Guards ! Guards ! GUARDS ! -
Ice man
Bla-bla-bla-bla ...Zzzzz .. that was the sound of her magistrates guards falling off to sleep as soon as they heard Dean's voice. Way to go, dotard... -
Lilo Avli
You're going to be forced to listen to Dean 24 hours a day in your jail cell. I will convert you, Sir.
im not one to listen to music, i tend to like it quiet so i could focus more
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