To stop dirty, old perverts, like me, from getting over-excited.
Ice man
So only half as much then ? -
Lilo Avli
Maybe slightly more. A third as much. -
Ice man
So that's a third more than a half ? -
Lilo Avli
Yes, three quarters it is. -
Ice man
Well if you add one more quarter ... you'd have a dollar. Which is still more than those jeans are worth .. as far as I'm concerned. -
Lilo Avli
I'll head down my local underground station, with my wet trumpet in hand, a busking, and try to muster a quarter out of the passing trade.
Because the holes are supposed to be decorative and the same reason you dont wear necklaces backwards.
Ice man
I don't wear necklaces or jeans that are full of holes. Do you ?
not sure why
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