Sound so real I would almost believe it. I will pass on this chance. Will cancel my ticket. A like him better in movies.
Ice man
Yeah, I agree. I'd ask for an autograph first and then cancel my ticket. : ) -
That is a good idea. A good actor he is. I should do the same.
As long as he flies like he's in the Millennium Falcon. Don't worry, I won't tell him the odds.
Ice man
If R2 and the Wookie aren't co-pilots .. I ain't gettin' on. lol -
Hardcore Conservative
That new gal seems like a good pilot and that little dude that flew with Lando. -
Ice man
I didn't trust his eye movements, seemed shifty to me. : ) -
Hardcore Conservative
Gotta teach him English.
I upgrade to first class and sit next to Calista, telling her dirty jokes and playing games of hide-the-salami, all the way to Mars.
Ice man
You home wrecker !! Really .. all the way to Mars ? Is that one of the Falkland Islands ? -
Lilo Avli
No, you are probably thinking of Your Anus. Again. -
Ice man
So that's in the Falklands as well then ? -
Lilo Avli
I don't know. We sold it to the French.
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