Two empty plastic containers, bottle of red wine and chili powder
Boola Boo
Alrighty then! -
Linda Joy
For what? Food storage? -
Linda Joy
Why is the chili powder not with the other spices?
Zippered lunch box and a water bottle for the car.
Linda Joy
Aluminum? -
Stainless -
Linda Joy
I like those! They keep water colder longer.
Tin full with rice. Salt and pepper shaker.
Linda Joy
I don't even use salt and pepper shakers! I use the black pepper right out of the can it comes in. I don't usually add salt our stuff has too much already.
Half a squirrel
Linda Joy
Did you eat the other half for supper with some acorn paste mustard greens and blood pudding?
The floor. It only works when upside down.
Linda Joy
Hey hun!
Dust. That reminds me...
My boyfriend.
Linda Joy
My ex-husband set me on top of the refrigerator once. I'm not going to tell you what he did after that. -
Lilo Avli
Buy a new refrigerator ? -
Beaker Five-O
Lol !!
A work in the garden hat.
Aloe Vera plant, a box of cornflakes, an electric kettle, and a basket of random stuff like scissors, bills, rarely used spices, recipes, and so on.
Boxes of tissues and napkins in case I spill something or need to blow my nose.
nothing, i dont keep anything up there since i wouldnt be able to reach it
The next shopping list.
Let me check. Box of condoms, some porn magazines, mints, some illegal fireworks, and bubblegum.
we are dough 68
What kind of mints ? -
The kind that freshen your breath. -
we are dough 68
Why do you have them ? -
For when I talk to the ladies. -
we are dough 68
They can't taste your breath down those cheap sex-chat phone lines, you silly boy !! -
Maybe not, but the hookers I court down the alley sure can. -
we are dough 68
Aren't you afraid of catching something nasty down below ? -
It's no different than sleeping with a woman I met anywhere else.
Jelly, yoghurt, horseradish sauce, mayonnaise, olives, stuffed peppers and a tin of peaches.
Beaker Five-O
Enjoy your lunch !!
A toaster and an insulated tumbler.
about 20 boxes of instant oatmeal...
Linda Joy
Do you use it regularly?
6 32 ounce Whataburger cups.
Some rolls of paper towels and bars of soap for the kitchen sink.
My cat
One basket...empty..thats it!
A little fan to help cool my apt.
Mostly: a bunch of boxes and other containers of food. I keep stuff like backup bottles of ketchup and mustard and spices there.
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