Linda Joy
That's not the answer I'm looking for. Guess again!
Eating, stuff that makes them fart.
Linda Joy
Lol It's not fart related. -
Ice man
Day dreaming, picking their noses, cleaning their fingernails after picking their noses.... Oh I'll bet it's texting. -
Linda Joy
No, guess again -
Ice man
Maybe using the internet in some way? No, probably not. Well it sure as hell isn't counting their money, so I think it's time for some clues. Eh? -
Linda Joy
No, but Anonymous got it right! Scroll down to see -
Ice man
Yeah well ... that maybe right too ... but I still think it's farting. : ) -
Linda Joy
I think that's excessive for farting! -
Ice man
Not if you eat a lot of pickled eggs and cabbage. -
Linda Joy
Lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You just made me fart.
Using the bathroom?
Linda Joy
Nope guess again! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Do you like to fart in the bathroom?
Farcebook #deletefacebook
Linda Joy
No, try again
Polishing their guns?
Linda Joy
Nope, guess again! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Pfft, only 55 minutes a day to polish ALL of these guns?!
Looking for something they cant find. #deletefacebook
Linda Joy
We have a winner! Did you Google it? -
Anonymous says R.I.P Nelson
Cooking food.
Linda Joy
No, but Anonymous got it right! Scroll up to see.
Answering questions that mean nothing either from their kids or sites like this one.
Linda Joy
No, but Anonymous got it right! Scroll up to see
Hugging the second amendment.
Linda Joy
Anonymous got it right, It was looking for something they can't find. -
Ice man
Hahaha Good one Lilo. : ) -
Lilo Avli
Did I come second ? -
Ice man
Were you in line ? -
Linda Joy
No. You get minus points from me when you insult my country, my flag, or my constitution. Also if you think stricter gun laws means less crime or suicides your ignorance is showing! Statistics show that's not the case.
Shovelling up the mass school shooting dead outside their trailers.
Linda Joy
Anonymous got it right, It was looking for something they can't find.
maybe eating breakfast
Linda Joy
Anonymous got it right, It was looking for something they can't find.
Getting ready in the morning or Watching the news or Doing actual work or Reading
Linda Joy
Anonymous got it right, It was looking for something they can't find.
Pet my cat
Searching for stuff they can't find.😍
Linda Joy
Anonymous got it right, It was looking for something they can't find.
Me? At least 55 minutes thinking about being intimate with another man
Hang on, I had the answer to this written down somewhere. Hang on, I'll come back in about an hour once I find it...
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