Linda Joy
You think so? What if they switched genders? -
Ice man
.. -
Linda Joy
What? Why? -
Lilo Avli
Where ? When ? WTF ? -
Ice man
My comments were removed as a matter of International Security. -
Lilo Avli
Did they let you keep your pants on ? -
Ice man
After they handcuffed my ankles my pants couldn't come off. -
Lilo Avli
I'm sensing another great business potential ! Think of the time that could save in male laundry hours ! How about 55% to you and 55% to me ? I can't be any fairer than that ! -
Ice man
Oh, I'm far too polite to call you a 55% Fairy... -
Lilo Avli
I'm blushing ! So, you're saying I'm a 100% fairy ?! That's possibly the nicest comment you have ever told me ! My eyes are filling with sweet, syrupy tears ! -
Ice man
A few drops of bleach in each eye should remedy that for you. -
Lilo Avli
I'm not feeling the love any more. *facepalm* -
Ice man
Have you been visiting Jenny Rizzo's house of pain and boot licking ? -
Lilo Avli
Not me, no, but a good friend of mine, who follows the stars, Venus and Mars are alright tonight ! Enough of these Loretta song titles, Lilo ! Right, I've given myself a strong talkin' to and where are we ?? Yes, Jenny ! Funny girl ! Thinks conversations are about "winning and losing ." WTF !!? Anyway, yes, a good friend of mine got into BIG trouble, once again and has been whisked away by his Mothership to the great gig in the sky. Stop it, Avli, you fool !! Poor Doughboy is, as we speak, being de-briefed somewhere up there and is being given a damn good probing by his Masters as to what he has learnt on planet Earth, thru his Answerbag interactions. Sorry for my long one, but you don't normally complain about that !!! -
Ice man
No problem. It's too bad the wicked witch of the west had him whisked away again. I wonder if we might see him again before the next two years have past ? -
Lilo Avli
I'm guessing she will double his sentence this time to FOUR years in the penalty oven. He'll be well-cooked by then !! Maybe, if he survives the heat, he'll find that God fella, lose his sense of humour, start quoting Bible passages and be integrated back into Answerbag a complete boring non-entity, like everyone else !! You gotta laugh !! -
Ice man
He should find her on the other places she goes and troll her there, now that would be funny. -
Lilo Avli
He wasn't into trolling. That was just a lazy label given to him by folk with no sense of fun and frivolity. He was just a playful puppy, with mental health issues, who wanted his tummy tickled and to forget about life for awhile. -
Ice man
"No sense of fun and frivolity. " is putting it mildly. -
Lilo Avli
I'm treading on eggshells, Sir Ice. Avoiding God, Jesus, religion, Donald Trump, America, Harry Potter, guns, life, death, human behaviour, pets, holidays and "can I get pregnant" questions. All that's left, to play it safe, is "What's your favourite colour ?" And I'll probably go to prison for spelling "colour" wrong !! And as for "favourite".......!!! -
Ice man
I know what you mean, I got fed up of being criticized and adopted the American spelling. -
Lilo Avli
Don't worry, my friend, I'll forgive you !! You rotten sell-out !! -
Ice man
I'm sooo ashamed of myself. -
Lilo Avli
Well go change your boxer shorts, then !! And cut back on those beers at nine o'clock in the morning !! Goodnight and God Bless (just in case anyone is watching) . -
Ice man
Yes and I'll say a prayer for you too (just in case anyone is watching). .
No. I am not paranoid that way.
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