maybe cause theyre a guy
and not a man? -
If you find one of them Myang let us know.
It depends on the guy and the situation. It takes me a while to get over a relationship. I would look at the kind of fellow she is attracting. There is shallow and there is deep and everything in between. It's not about guys, its about shallow (company, physical attraction and other more surface things). Another possibility is that this fellow does not want to deal with feelings of rejection and being alone. I had one girlfriend that was never without a relationship and went from me to another fellow directly.(yet we were deep into each other) This is not a guy thing or a gal thing, its a personality thing. Hopefully we may learn from these experiences to ready us for a better match.
So he's a shallow guy.. Hopefully most of the guy is like you who didn't get over easily. It sucks in the feeling of girls to be replaced in an instant.
I think it has to do with their DNA. For reasons of perpetuating the species men are instinctively motivated to spread their seed. They are visually stimulated and not to be callous or judgmental, but rather biologically speaking a man doesn't even need to be conscious to have an orgasm, much less think. Women are just different. Historically until recently women needed to be protected and provided for. She was the one who had the children. But we have evolved into more thinking and less reactionary/instinctual beings. But as to your point, I don't usually let go of past relationships easily. And now I don't even engage. I've been through too much to willingly do it again when its NEVER turned out well in the long run. I've accepted the fact I'm better off by myself. I'm happier now and I'm not inflicting my particular kind of pain on anyone else. But its always been easy for me to find someone else when I wanted someone.
Are you asking about that person specifically, or in general? In general, I don't think it's easy to move on after a relationship ends, not for men nor for women. However, some people are less attached than others, and that lack of detachment is rewarded biologically. In terms of that guy specifically, the only way to really know is to ask him, and it's not really a polite thing to ask.
I think women emotionally invest in relationships more because instinctively they are looking for commitment, and future plans to settle down, with the baby clock ticking, whereas men don't have that concern. Men are normally, thinking "Am I having fun now?" Not all men are like this, but you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. I think women also tend to overlook feelings of doubt, they have these feelings that warn them that not all is well, but ignore them, and so end up staying in relationships where the man hasn't put much emphasis on it. I can bet you she has felt this, and if she has, then it will make it easier to move on, because then she can say, I knew something was up, but I didn't want to believe it. Just because he has quickly taken up with someone else, doesn't mean he intends to commit to this person.
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