I'm still waiting for the same answer. It's been months since I got notifications, and I'm not about to go down my posts to see if anyone replied.
Did you fix your letter m on your keyboard?
not yet -
Linda Joy
Do you have a port to plug another keyboard into your laptop? You can get a keyboard cheap especially at the thrift stores.
This is from a while back. Did they ever start working again? Did you ever find out why? I've only been able to contact them by putting my question in the Answerbag staff category. I don't get notifications because I accidentally blocked them in my email and don't know how to turn them back on.
irn getting thern now -
Linda Joy
Good! -
Linda Joy
I got them after this, too. But then they quit again and everyone started complaining.
Can you hear me now?
I don't get any notifications either
Linda Joy
Why not? They're working. Did you turn them off? -
Linda Joy
mine went off again, too.
See! I'm not the only one who wants them back.
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