probably turkey since im going to my friends house
To my knowledge right now I will be eating a frozen dinner of some kind. When I was driving my school bus I had several parents invite me for dinner with them.
Linda Joy
I get invited over a lot as well. Even when I was divorced my son spent Thanksgiving with his dad's family. We could have ours any day we wanted, and he always brought me home a plate. With our little personal Thanksgiving any time we wanted we were able to invite friends that wanted to spend Thanksgiving day with their families as well! It was a win-win. Maybe not the first time when he just decided to take him for both Thanksgiving AND Christmas against the court order, I might add. But he knew realistically there was nothing I could do about it. So I just decided to make it work for the best for all of us! This year I have to keep my exposure to people, especially crowds to a minimum. I'm learning to appreciate their value more this year. Thank you, God for the experience AND the refining fire! It clears the way for new growth.
Last year we had burritos. This year it may be either burritos again or lasagne.
Linda Joy
Do you at least make them with ground turkey? Hahaha
Traditional turkey mash potatoes, stuffing cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie:)
Turkey, yams, corn and pumpkin pie.
turkey and ham.
We are going to a T-day buffet, and I am going to try lots of their offerings from the buffet line.
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