i dont drive, maybe you shouldnt ride with your neighbor if shes going to be so unsafe like that
Linda Joy
I have no other realistic options. -
you find some realistic options, thats not realistic if shes unsafe, i could never ride with someone like that
I wish for the opposite every time I'm out in traffic.
Nope, I don't mix and match!
with all the hours your religion sucks out of you and ALL the hours you spend on ab, do you have an actual life?
Wouldn't want to rub someone the wrong way these days. Could be dangerous. That being said, I loved bumper cars especially before the era of mandatory seat belts
Not a bumper car but I occasionally wish I was in a bulldozer or a steamroller...
No. I'm not some American hick.
As my toyoya could drive over the top of most of the sedans on the road Ive resisted the temptation to hit them with the bullbar many times
My BFF scares the hell out of me, so I've stopped riding with her & found other alternatives!!!
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