I love high heel boots. Great look during the fall.
Do you always fall in them? Lol :) -
High heel boots are definitely a great way to add a touch of style and sophistication to any outfit. They are perfect for the upcoming fall season and can be easily paired with skirts, jeans, or dresses. Plus, they look amazing when paired with cozy sweaters or jackets!
I can't walk in high heels. I always wear flat shoes.
I can't wear any footgear that has a heel that exceeds one inch. Too painful to walk in heels that exceed one inch
I've got a couple of pairs.
I ♥ them
you talkin' about like those thigh high multicolored stilletoed boots Michelle Obama wore? that's a HUGE NO!! LOL!
As a slighty overweight middle aged man I avoid them, not a good look for me!😄
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