A system of checks-and-balances. It's a good thing. The government operates like a machine. All the emotion stirring speeches don't have meaning in the first place.
Archie Bunker
Too bad the machine is an bureaucratic nightmare.
They're insane hypocrites with double standards much like Christians.
You shall know them by their fruits. If you have not met any Christians who are bearing good fruit, then the world doesn't revolve around you to paint all Christians with a broad brush. -
All Christians do have double standards, and many are self-righteous hypocrites, e.g. Jenny. She imagines the world revolves around her. -
Quote: "All Christains do have double standards," You haven't met all Christians, so there is no way to give an accurate answer. -
BTW, you misspelled the word Christians. ABer's passing by: that's quite some intelligence. lol -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "She has hypocritical double standards." Addressing your remarks is not hypocritical. Neither are they double-standards. Speaking of your evil lies, all you have to say is that the SDA church is comparable to the Jehovah's Witness. Both denominations are totally different. You can't support your claims.
Let's use some sense here, the system is not perfect. This is why change of plans occur. If you look on the bright side, isn't Trump draining the swamp?
They are blatant hypocrites with many double standards. No logical human could join such a destructive group.
Sup ReiSan, you have to get to know them first before you can label them all as hypocrites. -
The ones I encounter on Answerbag, Quora, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are vile hypocrites, as are Christians and cultists, e.g. Jenny. -
Archie Bunker
I'm Christian, and I'm not a hypocrite. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, very funny. The world doesn't revolve around Answerbag, Quora, Facebook and Twitter. BTW, you have no proof to claim I belong to a cult.
not sure why
Socialism is only good for the people, not the socialist.
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