I disagree with your question: it's normal to dislike what one finds irritating to the individual..:(
Linda Joy
No I mean when you know the degree of upset is disproportionate but I agreed normal uppset is to be expected.
yes, i cant stand it when neighbors talk in the halls, it disrupts me when im trying to focus and i find it very annoying
Linda Joy
I don't like hearing everyone's fights and it's usually right in my area where they do it between the building and the parking lot but what was even more disturbing is when I heard the lady upstairs commit suicide but didn't realize it till later when her daughter found her and I heard her grandson cry out" But I love my grandma! And I thought of my own grandson. But usually I just turn up the radio! -
thats bad to hear someone kill themselves, i had a neighbor kill herself when i first moved here 5 1/2 yrs ago but at least i didnt hear it.
Generally when i am upset inside(may be subtle) my sensitivity to abrupt or harsh sounds, tones of voice, whiny music can get me in a tizzy.
i feel the same way, like i go to these bible studies and theres people there that will shake their legs the whole time or tap with their pens when youre trying to listen, it gets real annoying, just not sure how to tell them that
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