They can't hold a candle to savagery and ruthlessness of the Ice Man?
Ice man
Good answer ! lol
not much
They both rationalize what they do as noble.
Ice man
I hadn't thought of that angle ... but you're right.
Aren't they the same?
Ice man
Pretty much, yes. : )
Jesus will separate them, like a shepherd separates sheep from goats, and they will depart into everlasting destruction (Matthew 25).
Ice man
This wasn't a religion question, but thanks for your answer anyway.
Very often, they are one in the same. Politicians have the luxury of exempting themselves from many things that we little people have to put up with. For example, the "Hush Fund" that Congress has set up to pay off sexual harassment claims against them. With TAXPAYER money. YOUR money. What's good for the gander is not good for the goose, apparently.
Ice man
... and it all started with a little goose. Go figure. : ) -
Hardcore Conservative
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Remember that one? -
Ice man
Yes, very well. At the time, it made me wonder what was Hillary getting "on the side" because she forgave him a little too quickly. -
Hardcore Conservative
Not only that, but she came out swinging against not only Monica, but the others as well. It's kind of crazy how now all the liberals are jumping on the "believe the accuser no matter what" train, isn't it? It also makes me laugh remembering how at first it was "I didn't do anything" to trying to define what sexual relations and sexual contact meant.
Both characters lie.
Both characters lie.
Both characters tell lies.
Ice man
Is there an echo in here .... or are you guys triplets ? : )
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