I have two windows a big picture window in my living room that looks out onto my patio and then the parking lot and then the pool. A more narrow one in my bedroom that looks out on 3 AC units and the parking lot. But I live on a mountain so there is a nice view in most directions. Very green and often beautiful blooming trees. Very nice. I'm blessed to be here!
Ice man
I know what you mean about being fortunate to have a nice view. I have forest on the backside of my property as well as big old maple and spruce trees surrounding my house. From the front porch I look out over a mountainside. This week the leaves are all changing color and starting to fall. It truly is spectacular to witness the wide range of colors at this time of year. It's raining today but I'm hoping for some sunshine tomorrow, so I can go for a ride through the mountains on the Harley and take some pictures. -
Linda Joy
Sounds beautiful! Have fun!
A field with horses, but not my horses...If I owned a horse, I'd name it Alpo...jk..
Ice man
If I had one I'd name it Donald J. : ) -
Lol...That would be funny announced at a horse race.
i have this tree outside my window and i once saw two squirrels going at it, so funny
we are dough 68
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