maybe it came to visit you and wants you to adopt it
B.H. Wilson
Good one, Lederman!
In Florida small lizards are everywhere: this is a common occurance: make sure the screen door & screens on windows are shut tight: they would run up my bedroom wall & scare me to death.
Linda Joy
I never saw a lizard when I lived in Florida. But those flying palmetto bugs creeped me out. One crawled up in the toe my shoe once and I didn't know it was there it was there for a 4 hr shift at work!
Relax, Linda. LSD can have that effect. Look at that hand crawling across my screen';el,v],[- ?'v.
Linda Joy
I wouldn't know I've never tried LSD. But I know some of these psych meds can mess with your mind.
Hmm! Did you cook it? Curry goes well with lizards!
Linda Joy
Considering the price of meat these days, I'll keep that in mind!
Linda were do you live to have a lizard in your house? Can't be as bad as the mouse that runs around my apartment. Tried everything going for sticky paper next. perhaps sticky paper to catch the lizard then give him the his termination papers
Get a "Victor Tin Cat" trap and put a glue board inside it. Bait it with a Snickers bar. You might even catch more than one. -
Army Veteran
Mice have a survival instinct and need to store as much fat as they can. This is why they go after high carbohydrate foods. Contrary to cartoon legends, they don't care that much for cheese because it isn't high in carbs - but they'll eat it when nothing else is available. Peanut butter is at the top of their list, although they can be suspicious of new gadgetry (especially rats) and thus often thwart mouse traps. . I fixed my mouse problem by tying a Cheez-It cracker to a mousetrap. It kept stealing the peanut butter so I used something I could tie to the trigger, and it worked. -
Linda Joy
I live in a suburb of Birmingham, AL. Mice will eat the electrical wires! My brother had a pet mouse that got away from him. I lured it into the bathtub with chocolate, put it in its cage and set it in the bedroom floor and told him to get it up as soon as he opened the door he didn't, the cat ate the mouse. So much for my efforts! Also once the exterminator set out glue traps and we caught a momma that had babies on it. I felt so bad. I could hear them screaming!
Maybe a salamander or newt. They're very common wild animals in some areas of the U.S.
I live in a basement apartment and thus get invaded by spiders and centipedes. I keep a can of Raid handy to deal with it. It starts with flies early in the summer, then the flies attract spiders. The spiders, in turn, attract the centipedes. Maybe I should get a cat - that should take care of the centipede problem.
Linda Joy
centipedes are poisonous! I had one in here, too. As well as a scorpion! The apartment complex has an exterminator, but I think he's taking bribes from the bugs!
There are a handful of lizards common in the SE USA. My grandparents lived in Florida after they retired and had little anole lizards get into their trailer all of the time. When my grandmother dies, my grandfather got a cat, and then no more lizards.
Linda Joy
I sure hope you're back and this is not an old post. Its hard to tell now that we don't get notifications. Florida is a little different. They have huge palmetto bugs that fly! I lived there for a while, too. But I can't have pets and I'm allergic to cats.
Leave it alone and if there are bugs in the house, it will dine on them until they are gone.
Army Veteran
Can't do that - every creature has its predators. When the lizards start invading, the next creature higher up on the food chain will come looking for them. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
@1465 Yes, absolutely. This is how cats became domesticated, actually. No one captured wild cats, they just started showing up in cities during the early days of civilization to eat mice that were in turn eating stored grain. -
My grandson lived up in Sacramento in an apartment. He was overrun with roaches. His kids came and the captured 3 lizards here at the ranch, and took them home. No cats in the house. He said after a few months, they were practically roach free.. He also said they never saw the lizards except very rarely, so they weren't pests. -
Linda Joy
I thought about that, too, but I'm allergic to cats and can't have pets anyway. The apartment complex has an exterminator..
Lol, glad I'm not the only one talking to uninvited house visitors. I have slow worms, (legless lizards), told them not to drink but.... They are quite docile so I do handle them. I'd see if you can find out what it is, and then go from there.
Linda Joy
They were fast! And I'm old and slow! lol -
Yeah, but you can shake your tail feather, that's all that matters! -
Linda Joy
You got that right, sister! lol
I would contact an exterminator asap. Good luck to you,
Linda Joy
Its been a while since I've seen them, but I will let the office know if I see any creeping thing again!
probably a gecko..they are every where { i try always to catch the baby ones and put them out doors} and they do catch bugs ..i saw one on the window screen out side eating a huge big roach!!!!!..was gross to see as roach was really big..i thought gecko would choke but it didnt
He's probably just there to offer you a deal on car insurance.
Linda Joy
lol Silly gecko! I don't even HAVE a car!
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