no, im in colorado
I live about 450 miles from Memphis.
Linda Joy
if I remember right you're in Kentucky. -
Indeed I am, Linda...Nice to see you : )
I live closer to Memphis than Seattle.
Linda Joy
Me too. I'm in Alabama, my sister is in North Iowa almost in Minnesota. it's a long bus ride but not as far as Seattle!
No but I have been there.
Nope, not me. I live on the rez in CA.
I live in K.C. about an 7-8 hour car drive (1 gas stop) or a 9 hr motorcycle ride from Memphis (2-3 gas stops). when I first started going to Memphis for the Blues festival every summer it was about a 12 hour drive because of that ridiculous mind numbing 55 MPH speed limit.
nope, im way across the world in australia:)
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