9-14-2017 Yes.
Linda Joy
What did you think? -
Jewels Vern
I thought I would be polite and not make a fuss about it. -
Linda Joy
Are you assuming I'm being impolite because I found it humorous and wanted to share that humor with others? -
Jewels Vern
I did not say any such thing. Why are you putting words in my mouth? If you think you have done something that can not stand open discussion, I can only advise you to refuse to admit it. -
Linda Joy
I was asking not putting words in your mouth. And I have no problem with discussion. But thanks for your 'advice'.
no, havent seen it before
what does for filling the sex driver mean? whatever it means, it sure doesn't sound like anything to boast over.
no and i cant click on it to see it
Rick Myres
Copy and paste it.
So basically they want a screwdriver?
Linda Joy
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