I think it is.
not sure
Naa just another Protestant sect
He finds two belts: one more eastern that stretches from Florida, (excluding Miami, Tampa and South Florida), through Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and into Southern Virginia ; and another that concentrated in Texas (excluding El Paso, and South Texas), Arkansas, Louisiana, (excluding ...
He finds two belts: one more eastern that stretches from Florida, (excluding Miami, Tampa and South Florida), through Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and into Southern Virginia ; and another that concentrated in Texas (excluding El Paso, and South Texas), Arkansas, Louisiana, (excluding ...
Army Veteran
Don't you just hate it when your mind goes blank just as you're about to answer a question - so you have to resort to plagiarizing someone else's answer? I hate when that happens to me...
Yes it is.😉
Well..."the Bible Belt" is actually a pretty vague term. Even so: probably most people who bother with the term probably do NOT include most of West Virginia. [[ ]] [[ ]] Though note that some WOULD include it: [[ ]]
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