Ice man
Were you looking for the multiple compartment or the single "Dungeon" model ? The latest models come with "Windows 10". -
Ice man
Yes, that's understandable .... -
Ice man
That wasn't my face ... -
Ice man
No, I got it from my daddy.
I doubt it. And no. I'm in God's hands and I'm ready to die.
Without Linda Joyful, who would ask all the questions in this post-apocalyptic answerbag world that remains ? -
Linda Joy
Do you really expect me to care? I'll be in Paradise! Besides who asked them before I got here - you! And Iceman's doing a pretty good job of it! as well as a few others! I guess that would depend on who's left! -
So you are a Muslim then ? Say "Hi" to those 24 Virgins over there in Paradise City....especially my good friend "we are dough". I don't really ask questions...I just spurt out diarrhea to pass the time till my next wank. Ice Man has never had a job....he just sits on the street corner, in his denim dungerees, whistling at the pretty girls going by. -
Ice man
True, that's very true .., So yeah ... do tell about those Virgins in Paradise City .... -
I'm told, by a close confidant (Dave in Accounts), that some of them have not even had sex before. Can you Adam and Eve it ? Take it with a pinch of salt though.....he once told me Canada was the 51st state of America. Everyone knows Canada is in South America. Muppet. -
Linda Joy
Why do you think it is those Muslim radicals would rather hang out in caves with other men then go to their 72 virgins? -
Wow, those hungry Virgins are multiplying by the second. Must be down to over-copulation or something in the Southern Comfort over there. Is it cos Muslim men like to rub their beards down south, down old Mexican way ? -
Linda Joy
I'm LDS, not Muslim. And I personally prefer an experienced lover. -
Does that stand for Lesbian Dirty Slut ? If it's experience you want, look no further. I've watched loads of porn and I'm pretty sure I would be good at it. -
Linda Joy
LDS stands for Latter Day Saint, And I already told you I don't do married men. -
Silly me. What kind of men do you do ? And how often ? Do tell. -
Linda Joy
I don't believe in having sex outside of marriage. I haven't had sex with anyone since 2001 when I got divorced. And that's no joke. -
What a coincidence. I haven't had sex (with someone other than myself) since 2001 either. Strange really, cos my daughter was born in 2003. That might be a joke. Or it might be grounds for divorce. Perhaps if I was divorced, me and you could couple-up....and get that apartment rocking. You and me, Babe. How about it ? -
Linda Joy
As romantic as that proposal was, I doubt I'll ever marry again. -
No, at your advanced age, you are probably correct. Old, withered and all dried up. Like dried apricot. -
Linda Joy
If that works for you run with it! -
Ice man
Always take the scissors away from him before telling him to run with it !! -
Linda Joy
Who let him have scissors to begin with? -
The pubic lice nurse..... -
Ice man
Another "typo" ? That should be "POlice nurse" ...
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