Ice man
How to win friends and influence people - lob bombs at them ? : ) -
Ice man
What !?! No booze ? -
Ice man
Why is there 4 of them ? -
Linda Joy
They're his dolls. He knows better than to suggest I could actually be bought. -
Linda Joy
You lie! -
No. We have defensive measures in place. I do question the mental health of anyone who would try. It can't bode well for their country after the fact whether they succeeded or not.
Ice man
Defense measures don't always work. We already know that "Egghead" in North Korea is insane, and I don't think it will bode well for anybody once it starts. : ( -
Linda Joy
I live in an apartment, and I'll make a cobbler for the occasion! ;-) -
Linda Joy
and I agree Iceman that wouldn't bode well for anyone... If it ever did happen! -
Linda Joy
That would be an awful lot of people in my little living room! And no, thanks on your cream! -
Ice man
@ Linda - Yes, pass on his cream ... it's sour ! : ) -
Linda Joy
It was a sheet on the couch, and I never let you take your clothes off! -
Linda Joy
I don't put cream in my cobbler anyway and I definitely wouldn't let him touch it! -
Linda Joy
You're still dreaming! -
Linda Joy
I considered getting a tattoo when I was in the Navy, but never did. -
Ice man
Not even an anchor on a butt cheek ??? -
Linda Joy
No, and if I had it probably would have been a heart or butterfly or something like that. -
Linda Joy
I'm thankful I never got a butterfly on my back I've heard when you age they become a buzzard in the crack. -
Ice man
(lol) Here's some good ones for ya to choose from ..... -
Linda Joy
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