Quite a few times actually. I'm wondering if I should start reducing my friends on FB....cause I just don't know all these people and can barely keep track of my family
Linda Joy
It might help to make groups. But you can also hide or suspend seeing some people or posts. I usually forget my password and old email addresses because my computer remembers them and then the computer dies and I start a new FB. I used to have a bunch of farmville friends. Not on my new page. Its mostly family and local friends and some old ones from MSN's Q&A. And most of them I accepted were friends with other Q&A'ers or friends with members of my Church. -
Black Mystique
What I want to know, is how can you keep people of FB that are in your friends getting notices of your activities? I had an acquaintance message me about something I liked....and I felt like I was being followed or something.....trolled
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