I remember that last time they talked about it, they said flight time is limited to under 2 minutes. Hard to get to work in that time.
I thought it was two hours. -
Linda Joy
Lol! Typical disparity between male/female time perception. Last info I saw said 30 min. at 60mph.
Strict air traffic laws. Drones have only just managed to take off and even they have a mountain of legislation roadblocks. Never mind jetpacks and flying cars.
DMV has actually already mapped out "skyways" for when flying cars become reality.
Same reasons as most new technology there are prejudices, for one. That's what held back nuclear power even though it is the safest and most effective, after chernobyl the stigma stuck. There's also human inertia. people are reluctant to change the way they do things or try something that's new. But also there are the issues specifically with the jetpack or Jet Belt that has to do with its complexity to maintain, it's also too heavy. Landing with all that weight on their backs is not safe for the pilots besides the other safety issues something coming loose or flying off, the heat factor and the fuel. Getting enough fuel in a small enough space, in light enough packs along with the cost being prohibitive. Other competitive Technologies would be a reason as well what with the drones and all.
I thought of the heat factor but hadn't considered the weight upon landing. -
Linda Joy
At least they're no longer trying to use propellers can you imagine if one of those would have come loose, what kind of damage it could have caused? -
The unkindest cut of all.
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